grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Thursday, January 22, 2015

01-14JAN15 - Houma, LA (happy birthday jaxson)

Happy New Year!!! - not much was done during the first part of January.  On 11JAN Raymond was sent to Savannah, GA, by his work for more aviation mechanic training.  So a decision was made that we would transport Rebecca, & grandkids (Jaxson & Mason) in the RV to Savannah over Martin Luther King holiday to see daddy, even though he would have only be gone for one week?

Before the departure our time was filled with family dinners; son Joe finally coming-in from offshore (& getting to open his xmas presents); getting the Toad repaired from the December fender bender; finding out our banking account has been “sold” to a small local bank, which will be of no use to us in our RV travels; more medical appointments; moving the RV from Joe’s to Rebecca’s; grandkid sitting; etc.

The hi-lite was grandson Jaxson’s third birthday Sunday, 04JAN, at a local gymnastic center (see last year’s BLOG for details on his second birthday at another gym)!  Thankfully once again, other than “sugar rushes”, there were no injuriesJ!

Tuesday & Wednesday, 13JAN & 14JAN was spent packing & getting the RV ready for departure for our trip to Savannah, GA.

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