grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

01-31DEC14 - Houma, LA (merry xmas & happy new year!)

Obviously the month of December (& therefore this BLOG) for most people centers around Christmas!  Both in preparation for the day (unfortunately for most people this means shopping), followed by recovery from the day.  To us the hi-lite of this time of year is family gatherings, & now watching grandkids that believe in Santa Claus.  So here was our month in rapid review:

---Tuesday, 02DEC, was Tasha’s birthday, so Rebecca cooked dinner for her & Joe.

---Wednesday, 03DEC, Dan was involved in fender bender while xmas shopping (another reason to shop online!).  Early indications are that he was not at fault & the other party’s insurance will pay fully.  Thankfully damage was limited to the Toad’s rear bumper only.  Also Dan has learned to take pictures of the accident immediately, because some police will not respond to fender benders, & some people change their “story” later.  This time one of the drivers left the scene!  But Dan had a picture of his license plate & the cops convinced him to return within 30 minutes.  Then the cops took everyone’s cell phones & took pictures of all licenses, registrations & insurance cards!!!  Separate from the accident, we had a major service on the Toad later in the month because there are 110,000 miles on the truck (not counting towed miles).

---Friday, 05DEC, we attended the Houma Christmas Parade w/Rebecca, Jaxson & Mason.  This being Louisiana much candy & trinkets was thrown from the floats & vehicles in the parade.

---Oma, Opa, Rebecca, Jaxson & Mason explored a new path & bikeway built along some of the drainage canals in Houma.

---Thursday, 11DEC, in accordance with Cajun custom Mason (being one year old) got his first haircut.

---Saturday, 13DEC, we moved the RV to Joe’s to dogsit, while Joe & Tasha visit Disney World in Florida.  After some debate between Dan & Joe we parked the rig differently to make more room in driveway.  Then it was off to Nancy’s for the first crawfish of the season.

---Dan started working on a “shelf” for our satellite box, so it no longer has to constantly “sit” on the dash as we use it in our RV travels.  Unfortunately Dan makes one measurement mistake, so the first attempt won’t work & a second try was needed.

---December 19, Friday, we celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversaryJ!

---Saturday, 20DEC, Raymond, Rebecca, Jaxson, Mason & us head down the bayou to witness the annual Xmas boat parade on the bayou.

---Sunday, 21DEC, Dan discovers the RV antenna is not working & starts trouble shooting it. That evening Rebecca, Jaxson, Mason & us head into New Orleans for the annual xmas light display known as Celebration in the Oaks.  Last year we went (see below BLOG for background & better pics), but it was on a week night as opposed to a weekend.  It was so crowded you could barely move & Dan gave up on picture taking, because people kept walking in front of the cameraL  Lesson learned – don’t go on a weekend!!!

---Wednesday, 25DEC xmas, we, along with Tasha, headed over to Rebecca & Raymond’s at 0830 to open presents.  Unfortunately, Joe had to head offshore for work & wasn’t there (& won’t be home for New Years).  Then after recycling the mountain of cardboard packages it was back to the RV for a little rest.  After lunch we headed back to Rebecca & Raymond’s so Corrie & Rebecca could prepare xmas dinner.  A short time later, Tasha & her mom Brinda show up later with more food.  By 7:30PM after the family dinner, everyone but grandkids Jaxson & Mason were finished for the day.

The rest of the month was filled with:

---many family dinners including Dan’s BBQ pulled pork; Raymond cooking spaghetti; Tasha’s stir fry
---medical appointments, including one colonoscopy
---more illness; this time striking Tasha, Joe & Corrie
---babysitting; sometimes Jaxson & Mason together, sometimes Jaxson alone
---dogsitting Gracie so Rebecca, Raymond, Jaxson & Mason can sightsee in Lafayette, LA

Finally Wednesday, 31DEC, another year ends.  Our original plan was to welcome the New Year by ourselves since everyone (aka kids & grandkids) had other plans already made.  This all changed when Jaxson woke up sick, because Raymond & Rebecca decided not to stay home & not expose their friends to the “bug”.  So we headed over to their place & the evening started with a chicken wings meal; then early fireworks in the backyard for the grandkids entertainment; & back at the RV at 9PM – Happy New YearJ!!!


Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Looks like a Happy Holiday!

Corrie and Dan Ryan said...

Thanks! hopefully this year will be as good or better than last year; & hope to see you guys in our/your travels:)