grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

01-10AUG16 - Sultan, WA (preparing for kids & grandkids visit)

We started the month of on the first & second by having a contractor called Morris Tractor “smooth” out the beginning of our driveway where it joins the main road, & then spread fresh gravel on its entire length.  Since our driveway was installed in bits & pieces over the years the front section was in need of major improvement – widening, leveling & covering w/large four to six inch rocks & topped w/gravel.

Saturday evening, 06AUG, we headed into Everett for Dan’s birthday dinner.  His birthday is actually on the seventh but the restaurant he had chosen is closed on Sundays.  His birthday dinner was at Kama’aina Grindz where Dan had his birthday dinner back in 2013.

Most of our time in early August was spent preparing for the annual visit of the kids & grandkids.  The first arrival was our son Joe at SeaTac airport late Tuesday, 09AUG.  We had gotten him a ticket on the daily Alaskan Air direct flight from New Orleans to Seattle, but the flight was not shown on the board & we had to get gate info & arrival time from a ticket agent?

Wednesday morning Dan figured Joe had nothing better to do than sleep, so he took him along to Habitat for Humanity the latest house build.  Everyone loved Joe on the roofing crew.  Two things Joe noted – how all the volunteers are mostly very successful professionals (ie lawyers, doctors, contractors, investment brokers, etc); & how old they all are (youngest volunteer is 61)!  Late that evening we all headed back to SeaTac airport to pick up the Pitre’s (Rebecca, Raymond, Jaxson & Mason).  Once again the Alaskan Air flight from New Orleans was not on the board?

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