grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, February 27, 2015

01-17FEB15 - Houma, LA (we receive some family visitors)

Sunday morning, 01FEB, grandson Mason (who we are babysitting because mom Rebecca & brother Jaxson remained in New Orleans last night after Monster Trucks at Superdome) wakes up early, reminding us of one of the benefits of being empty nesters.  Thankfully he awakes in a good mood & appears not to miss the rest of his family.  By early afternoon mom Rebecca & brother Jaxson return from New Orleans & then Mason gets real cranky?  Then Corrie starts making buffalo wings for dinner & the super bowl.  Later Joe & Tasha came over for the super bowl & wings; unfortunately the Seahawks lost:(!, but the wings were excellent!

Tuesday morning, 10FEB, we moved to Joe & Tasha’s driveway to help with some of their house projects & share the wealth (ie freeload off them for awhile).  The next day we started packing the RV for our departure in about a week.  Once again finding a place for xmas gifts & supposed good deals we have purchased in the last four months is a challenge.

Friday the 13th the plan was to get together with Rebecca, Raymond & grandkids for crawfish dinner in celebration of Rebecca’s birthday.  Unfortunately Rebecca was not feeling well & by mid afternoon grandson Jaxson had a fever.  End result is no family birthday dinner; & Joe, Tasha & us settle for Popeye’s chicken take-out at their house :(!  Sunday, 15FEB, there was a big change to the Houma Mardi Gras parade schedule.  Because of predicted bad weather on Monday (Lundi Gras) & Tuesday (Fat Tuesday), those Houma parades will all “roll” today (Sunday)!  That means four parades in one day & none on Monday or Tuesday.
Meanwhile Corrie’s brother Ed & wife Elaine arrived from Manitoba, Canada, to visit with us for over a week.  We last saw them in September in Canada, as we headed west for Dan’s 40th college reunion.  (see below BLOG link)  Their plan is to stay at Joe’s & visit with us & the kids (Joe & Rebecca), whom they haven’t seen in over 25 years; & the grandkids, whom they haven’t seen.  And when we hit the road west to the Pacific NW, they will follow us to sightsee in the Texas Hill Country.  Knowing they were arriving today, Dan made his pulled pork for a big family dinner.

Monday AM, 16FEB, Dan headed into New Orleans to pick up Joleen Kiesel & fiancé Nathan Peever, then bring them back to Houma for the day.  Joleen is the daughter of Dan’s cousin Steve & wife Bonnie (if you follow our BLOG, you know we visit with Steve & Bonnie at least twice a year).  After visiting with Joe, Tasha, Corrie, Ed & Elaine, Dan took Joleen & Nathan on a car tour of Houma & the surrounding bayou.  First stop was lunch at A-bears Cajun Restaurant.  Then they got an up-close look at local Houma Mardi Gras floats parked at the civic center.  Followed by the cement art work in Chauvin called the “Kenny Hill Sculpture Garden” – Hill arrived around 1990 & worked on the sculptures before disappearing in 2002.  The last stop was the one hundred year old Cecil Lapeyrouse Grocery in Cocodrie.  Then it was back to Joe’s for burgers & dogs w/Tasha, Rebecca, Raymond, Jaxson & Mason, along with Ed & Elaine.  Then Dan got them back to their hotel in New Orleans; after dropping them off, it took Dan over an hour to go eight blocks getting out of New Orleans.

Tuesday (Mardi Gras), 17FEB, we finished the final loading of the RV & Toad.  Unfortunately Corrie is starting to get sick?  That evening Rebecca, Raymond, Jaxson & Mason came over for one more family dinner before our departure tomorrow AM with Ed & Elaine.  Although it seems nothing was much was done during our four month stay, we did do the following during our shortened February:

---many family dinners (like BBQ beef ribs, Corrie makes spruitjesstamppot, garlic chicken,etc)
---we took the RV in for new rear tires & four new shocks; BBQ beef ribs at Joe & Tasha’s
---Dan finished our 2014 taxes, we owe uncle sam so we won’t pay until April
---Dan fixes the engine monitoring system – see our 14 September 2014 BLOG about why we don’t like driving without this system
---Friday, 06FEB, Raymond returned from his aviation school in Savannah, GA
---Corrie prepares some lattice for installation on Rebecca & Raymond’s sun porch; Dan installs it

---catching a few Mardi Gras parades – Hyacinthians & Titans

---mostly spoiling the grandkids

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