grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Saturday, September 20, 2014

05-15SEP14 - Sprucewoods, MB, Canada (visiting canadian side of the family)

Friday, 05SEP, was a very long drive to Sprucewoods, Manitoba, Canada, to stay at Corrie’s brother Ed & wife Elaine’s place (who we last saw back in Phoenix/Mesa, AZ, the last week in March) while visiting relatives & friends in the Brandon, MB, area.  Dan chose a route slightly longer than the recommended route; to avoid all the oil field traffic surrounding Williston, ND.  Our last visit here was 2012 for Jason’s (Ed & Elaine’s son) & Katelyn’s wedding (see below BLOG internet link).  Soon after our arrival it was time for dinner, followed by relaxing with two games of Cribbage.

We had a great time during our ten day stay, before our departure on 16SEP!  Nothing spectacular occurred, but we still had a very enjoyable time:
---played lots of Cribbage; at one point the guys were down four games, but managed to claw their way back to just down two
---Ed taking Ed out to the ongoing potato harvest to ride in a state of the art potato harvester; this machine can pick & clean 16 rows of potatoes & load a semi trailer in less than 20 minutes!!!

---celebrating Tripp Riesmeyer’s one year b-day (Jason & Katelyn’s son)

---Corrie going elk hunting with Ed
---Ed showing off his home built “skid steer” he has been working on for two years

---Corrie meeting with various relatives & friends for coffee, lunch, etc, to reconnect & reminisce

---Dan buying Lawn Mower Lift for $99 for our lawn tractor back in Sultan, WA; this price is far cheaper than any internet price; now we will be carrying it in the RV for the next six months
---going to the Sand Hills Casino with Ed & Elaine; supposedly if you become member you get two free buffets?; unfortunately you must sign up online to get freebies, but the clerk did us a favor by signing us up on the spot; the guys lost but gals won, so we all came out ahead & got four free meals

---Dan & Ed go quad’ing in the forest; this time Dan manages not to climb a tree with the quad like he did with son Joe back in Houma, LA

---Corrie’s youngest brother Rob & wife Yvonne came over for a prime rib dinner at Ed & Elaine’s

---many delicious home cooked meals, including an excellent seafood dinner with crab legs, giant Newfoundland ocean scallops wrapped in bacon & fried shrimp prepared by Ed & Elaine

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