grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Saturday, May 31, 2014

01-31MAY14 - Sultan, WA

Thursday 01MAY, cousin Steve returned to pull major power wire from main panel at house to new feeder panel in shop/RV garage.  Having someone who knows what they are doing, was invaluable!  Dan couldn’t figure out how they were going to “pull” the heavy gage cable thru fifty feet of underground conduit.  Steve brought a block & tackle which he rigged to the top of a ladder, & presto/change-o the cable was pulled thru the conduit.  Dan left it to Steve to hook up the 240 volt live circuit.  The rest of day Steve showed Dan how to wire lighting & plug circuits; including a 50amp RV circuit.  Friday, Saturday & Sunday Dan worked slowly on finishing the wiring for final inspection by the State. 
Sunday night, 04MAY, Dan took off for SeaTac airport to pick up Corrie after midnight (ie early Monday morning!).  Grandson Mason Houma, LA, was not 100% healthy, but thankfully he was well enough for Oma to come home.  Monday Dan continued to work on wiring shop/RV garage, while Corrie unpacked & recovered from a half day of travel to get home.  Tuesday & Wednesday was great weather & Corrie tried to make up for lost time on her gardening; while Dan kept plodding along on the shop/RV garage.  Unfortunately because of the height of the shop/garage walls, much of his work was on a ladder twelve to sixteen feet off the ground; which he is not happy about because of his major accident involving a ladder back in DEC12!
Thursday, 08MAY, the rain returned & now May 2014 is on track to be the wettest on record even though the month is only one week old!  Dan finally finished the electric work in the shop/RV garage & went on line to schedule final inspection; we're keeping our fingers crossed.  Meanwhile Corrie continued to wipe out the gardening section at Lowes.

Sunday, 11MAY, we headed to Dan’s brother Shawn & Cindie's for an early Mother's Day dinner; we had great weather & great food.  While there Shawn & Dan went thru brother Gary's (who unexpectedly past away November 2013) few possessions & discussed a family remembrance for Gary at the end of July/beginning of August.
Wednesday, 14MAY, was the final inspection by L&I of electric mods, after one minor problem was found on Friday, 09MAY.  The day before Corrie made her first purchase off of Craig’s List – 18 Leland Cypress trees.  Definitely no slow down on her gardening!
Thursday, 15MAY, we learn Dan’s cousin Kathy Grasser was finally being released from hospital after three months in Seattle fighting cancer.  We called to see if she is up for an unscheduled visit; & then we headed into Seattle for a great two hours with her & Bonnie Kiesel.
Sunday, 25MAY, was forecasted to be cloudy in morning with light showers starting after noon time?  So we decided to head into Seattle early for the 42nd annual Memorial Day weekend Northwest Folklife Festival at the Seattle Center.  Although all the activities of the Festival did not start until 11AM, Dan's plan was to get there before 10AM to find parking.  Dan's theory is:

>on Sunday many people sleep in (especially if they were out Saturday night)
>people go to church first before other activities
>there are city meters around Seattle Center that are free on Sunday, if you beat everyone else to them
>if all else fails, the parking lots give all day discounts if you are parked before 10AM, again you have to get there before the crowds

What we hadn't counted on was:

>the city had blocked off all parking meters within blocks of Seattle Center
>Mercer St & Roy St which had been one way streets with plenty of parking on both side of the streets, were now two way streets with no parking on either side
>because of the festival local parking lots were charging $20 or more, & no discounts were offered

But because we got there early, we found one of the last "free" city meters:)!

As the Seattle Times said - "Northwest Folklife Festival takes over Seattle Center this weekend with music, dance, film, and art by community groups representing cultures around the world.  Old favorites and first-time artists from 65 cultural communities perform at 24 indoor and outdoor venues, with music, art and cinema of "India and Its People" as this year's cultural focus."

Not only was the music from around the world but so was the food; there were vendors from Greece, India, Kenya, Peru, Thailand, Russia, Poland, Korea, & the list goes on.  Dan went with Afghanistan & Corrie went with Greece.  There were also many clothing vendors - Dan noted there seemed to be three "styles" represented - hippie w/lots of tie-dye & paisley; medieval w/lots of leather & purple; & folkie w/lots of flannel & plaid.
Musically we listened to a choral group, Japanese drumming, bagpipes & drums, mandolin orchestra, & witnessed Israeli dancing before being chased away by the first of the rain.  Getting home we discovered Gumbo had destroyed the garage door welcome mat – apparently he didn’t like being locked in the garage as opposed to being in the house like normally? note - this mat was 1/8th heavy rubber with a half inch of dense sisal!
Tuesday, 27MAY, we had plumbing company come by hook the shop/RV garage up to our well water.  Now the RV has full hook ups (except for cable TV) & can now be used for guests (like when the kids & grandkids show up in the middle of June!).  Now that the water is done, we can finally backfill the last excavation hole; & hopefully the yard will no longer be dug up in the future.
Friday, 30MAY, Cadman Cement delivered ten tons of 5/8 minus gravel for us to continue smoothing & leveling our drive way (see below BLOG from last year when we had seven tons delivered).  Last year we had it dumped in one big pile & used Fergie the tractor & wheelbarrows to spread it around.  That was okay but it took several days & many aspirins to do it!  This year we had the driver dump while moving forward & spreading most of the load.  That left us with some small piles to move with Fergie & wheelbarrows.  This time we were done in two days with hardly any aches or pains.

The rest of May was spent:

---Corrie working on re-storing decks for several days with pressure washer, sanding & restaining; to help in the job, we buy a pressure washer
---lots of gardening by Corrie
---Dan starts on long overdue maintenance to RV storage & interior
---almost constant mowing or bush hogging over three acres grass
---medical & dental appointments
---many visits to the library by Dan to use their internet & try solving major e-mail problems on old computer (eventually Dan found brand new computer service in Sultan that solved problem & two other for free!)
---seeding & repairing all the damage to the yard caused by excavation, including renting a lawn roller
---Dan constructs & installs a "hayloft" access ladder for barn, now he needs to rig block & tackle to lift it up out of the way
---Dan’s continuous battle with invasive blackberries
---Dan re-connects with Habitat for Humanity & helps out on two houses they are building in Marysville
---discovering mold on our two mandoors to new shop/RV garage & builder sends out a painter to address; turns out cheap doors & only primed at factory not painted

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