grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Monday, March 31, 2014

17-29MAR14 - Phoenix, AZ (tolleson & mesa really)

Monday, 17MAR, we got back on I-10W heading to the Phoenix area, our destination was Freightliner of Arizona, Tolleson, AZ.  We go there usually in the spring of every year, as we drive from Louisiana to Washington, for our annual maintenance on the RV chassis, engine, transmission & generator.  You can read a couple of our previous BLOGs below on our feelings on RV maintenance/service; & why we go out of our way to have it done here almost every year!

Tuesday morning we vacated the RV so that Freightliner could start the first day of our two day servicing.  This means that Dan & Gumbo got to sit in the RV customer lounge for over eight hours; while Corrie would stay until bored & would leave in the Toad.  Wednesday it was back to the customer lounge for Dan & Gumbo while RV maintenance/service continued.  Since the RV had gone over 100K miles, & the Onan generator had gone over 1000 hours, several other major manufacturer recommended services were due!  We had an estimate of the total cost before hand, but still suffered sticker shock when presented with the final tally for payment!!!  Even though our credit card was stretched pretty thin, we still went out to dinner at La Piazza Al Forno our favorite Italian restaurant in Phoenix (Glendale really).
Thursday morning we waited for rush hour traffic to clear & then headed to Good Life RV Resort in Mesa, AZ.  Good Life is a "senior" RV community we have stayed at several times before (see below BLOGs).  In the afternoon we wandered down to the "sports" complex to check out the afternoon happy hour, unlike in the past there was no freebie food or drink.  The reason we are staying in Phoenix rather than heading to the Pacific NW; is to meet up with Corrie's brother Ed & wife Elaine who are driving down from Manitoba, Canada.

Friday, 21MAR, we ran some errands & then headed to the pool after lunch.  We no sooner had got settled at the pool when in walked Ed & Elaine looking for us.  So it was back to the RV for a little reminiscing before Ed, Elaine & Corrie took off to find a hotel/motel for them to stay in.  We had hoped that they could find a park model for rent inside the RV Park, but nothing is available until early next week.  After they got back we had an excellent bbq steak dinner at the RV.Saturday morning the girls took off to go shopping, while the boys went to the Commemorative Air Force museum in Mesa, which Dan visited last year.

Everyone met back at the RV for lunch & then it was off to the pool; followed by a dinner of bbq chicken at the RV.  In the evening we headed to central Mesa for SPARK!, an arts festival we went to last year.  But this year they added night time activities.  In our opinion there was less going on at night, then what we had witnessed during the day last year.  For example there were many uniquely decorated bikes with LED lighting on display, but none were actually pedaled around showing the moving lights?


Sunday, 23MAR, we all headed to the Mesa Flea Market; which is not really a flea market, but more of discount merchandise for retirees.  After lunch & it was off to Bass Pro for more shopping.  Monday morning it was off for more shopping at Home Depot & Costco.  That evening it was into Phoenix for dinner at Alice Cooper's Town (note - Alice Cooper is a native of Phoenix).  Alice's restaurant is a cross between a Hard Rock Cafe & a sports bar.  The food is not gourmet, but definitely fits what you would expect from Alice Cooper:)!  

Tuesday morning it was off to Tortilla Flat & driving the Apache Trail Road (a challenging dirt road we drove three years ago).  After a great time enjoying the natural landscape it was lunch at Taco Bell - normally this is no big deal, but Ed & Elaine had never been to one.

Wednesday was windy w/possibility of rain, so we all decided to stay close to home.  Thursday, 27MAR, everyone headed into old town Scottsboro for shopping at the boutiques, jewelry, & art stores located there.  Lunch was at David's Hamburger, rated as one of Phoenix's best.  Unfortunately the yodeling cowgirl was late & we didn't get to hear her, but the food was still very good!  The hi-lite of the day was when Ed & Elaine sat next to a "statue" for a photo.  But the statue was actually a young man in "disguise", hustling for tips.  Boy did Elaine jump when he moved:)!

Friday morning we all headed out to two swap meets we had seen driving out to Tortilla Flat on Tuesday.  The swap meets were only open on Friday, Saturday & Sunday.  Once again we were disappointed because most vendors choose not to be there on Friday, & only show up on Saturday & Sunday.
Saturday morning, 29MAR, Ed & Dan take of for some guy time.  First stop was Harbor Freight; then it was off to Motorcycle Mechanics Institute (MMI), part of Universal Technical Institute (UTI), for an open house.  The open house is the precursor to Arizona Bike Week next week in Phoenix.  We had seen commercials for MMI on late night TV, & had assumed they were one of many similar mechanic schools focused only on Harleys?  Turns out they are the largest in the world, with state of the art facilities, & provide company certified technicians for Harley, Honda, BMW, Yamaha, Kawasaki & Suzuki.  And their training covers generators, personnel watercraft, ATVs, snowmobiles, & side-by-sides.  For dinner everyone voted for German, so it was off to Zur Kate for excellent food!

Early tomorrow morning everyone gets back on the road heading home.  Saying aloha is always bitter sweet.  Not only did we have an excellent time as noted above; but probably had more fun reminiscing while lounging around the pool, playing cribbage (not bragging, but the guys were the champs!), & home cooked meals at the RV.

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