grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, March 14, 2014

05-09MAR14 - Kerrville, TX (via livingston, tx)

Wednesday, 05MAR, we hit the road to Livingston, TX; after Raymond, Rebecca, & kids had left the house for the day.  Usually we split the drive into two days, stopping overnight at a casino in Kinder, LA, before we continuing to TX.  But this time since we left Houma a little later in the year than we planned, so we drove straight thru to Livingston, TX.
Regular readers of our BLOG know we try to stop here every spring & stay at the Escapees Rainbow's End RV Park.  This allows us to update our Escapees RV club membership, get our vehicles inspected, & this year renew our Texas driver's licenses.
Thursday morning it was off to the Driver License Bureau to renew our licenses.  We then discovered that they were closed all morning for court?.  We then proceeded to the auto body shop across street to get the Toad inspected as we do every year.  From there it was back to RV park to get the RV & go back to the body shop for the RV's safety inspection.  After lunch it was back to the license bureau & waiting for over an hour to get new licenses.  There was only one clerk at the bureau; & its Spring Break in Texas, with many teenagers coming in to get their learner's permit!
Friday morning we hit the road to Kerrville, TX, to visit Dan's sister Sharon & husband Tim as we try to do at least once every year (see above BLOG link for our last visit).  After setting up camp, we headed up to their place for dinner & reminiscing.
Saturday morning, 08MAR, Corrie headed to the mall near San Antonio.  During the day Dan's "old" laptop computer started acting-up & eventually locked-up.  He had purchased a new laptop before the end of last year & had transferred the most important files to the new laptop.  But there are some historical files that he hadn't gotten to, & now he will have to find someone down the road to try & save them?  That evening Tim & Sharon came into town & we all had dinner at Thai Ocha - an excellent, new Thai restaurant in Kerrville.
Sunday, 09MAR, around noon we headed to "Cafe at the Ridge" for a light lunch.  This establishment is right next to Sharon & Tim's; & has been thru several owners & themes over the years.  When we first saw it, it was a gas station with convenience store; then gas station & restaurant; then just a restaurant; & now a restaurant with garden center.  The new owner is a successful business man from San Antonio & has created a quality operation (in fact Sharon works here).  Now the gas pumps are gone, the restaurant is very good, there is an onsite bakery/ice cream shop, beautiful nursery, & live music Saturday/Sunday.

From there it was off to Sharon/Tim's for Mexican Train Dominos & dinner.  Since they had never played Train Dominos, we got to make up the rules & they had to accept our word:)!  Corrie & Sharon combined to make an excellent fish dinner & the games were fun.  Note -  Corrie left her favorite frying pan at their house, we awoke the next morning to find Tim had dropped it off on the way to work.

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