grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

26-31DEC13 Houma, LA (happy new year!!!)

For the last week of the year not much happened as we awaited the New Year.  One “event” that did happen was our first crawfish dinner of the season on Friday, 27DEC.  We met everyone (Joe, Tasha, Rebecca, Raymond, Jaxson & Mason) at the restaurant & enjoyed cajun spiced, boiled crawfish.
Monday & Tuesday (30/31DEC) not much was done, other than trying to unplug Rebecca & Raymond’s sewage using a rental power snake.  Thankfully Raymond did all the hard work, since it was cold & wet out.  Not sure if we got the entire blockage, but system definitely flows faster & better.
Age is definitely catching up to us, as shown by this year's New Year’s eve!  The kids (Rebecca, Raymond, Joe, Tasha, & grandkids) headed out to a friends house for BBQ & fireworks, leaving us to celebrate by ourselves.  We didn’t make it past 10:30PM!
2013 wasn’t a “bad” year, but we’ve seen better.  First the year started with Dan just released from the hospital, & undergoing rehabilitation for two months.  Then at the end of the year, Dan’s youngest brother (Gary) passed away.  The birth of our second grandchild, Mason Ryan Pitre, was the highpoint of the year!
As the Dutch say – GELUKKIG NIEUWJAAR!!!  De beste websen voor 2014!!!

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