grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

05-24MAR09 - Kerrville, TX

Wednesday evening, 04MAR, we arrived at Dan’s sister and her husband, Sharon & Tim Tompkins, in Kerrville, TX, and set up camp in their driveway. For those of you who have followed this BLOG, you know we have stopped here often; usually stopping on our way north and again on our way south. You will also know that Dan Sr who lived them with them passed away NOV08, and therefore we hoped to finally take care of all legal matters in that regards. Dan says it is easier to get into this world than to get out of it. And remember the old saying about you can’t escape death and taxes? What they should say is – even in death you can’t escape taxes! The IRS will get theirs.

One weekend we headed into Borne to watch a Chuck Wagon cooking competition. Competitors must cook from a traditional chuck wagon, using only ingredients and implements that would have been on a chuck wagon during cattle drives. Turns out the chuck wagon does not have to be an antique, they are still being built today exactly to specifications from the 1800s! Every team cooks the same menu – chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, beans, and peach cobbler. They start cooking at 0500 and judging is done by 0900. Sharon scored some free samples, and they tasted pretty good.

In the middle of our stay Dan had to go on two business trips for his part time employer – NCBRT, which is part of LSU. (If interested in what NCBRT is, google it.) the first trip was back to Baton Rouge, followed two days later by a four day trip to Newark, NJ. One nice thing about NJ was that Dan got to eat several New England sub sandwiches. Dan loves southern po-boys, but subs are also good because of their different bread, Italian sliced meats, covered in oil and vinegar, with mayo.

Saturday, 21MAR, Dan and Tim headed in to Austin for Mojo Mayhem at the world famous Continental Club. Turns out that South by Southwest (aka SxSW) was going on in San Antonio and Austin. The last week of SxSW is hundreds of live music events in Austin. One of these events was Mojo Mayhem at the Continental. Before we describe Mojo Mayhem, lets describe the Continental Club.

The Continental is a small (ie hole in the wall) bar (ie dive) that has live music seven days a week. Many famous groups on their way up, and some on their way down, have played the Continental. A typical evening will feature three or more groups, playing one after another, with little intermission between each act. Sometimes the music is free, but usually the cost is minimal. The club is maybe 30 feet wide by 40 feet deep. Imagine a couple hundred people, some needing baths, with no AC, and you probably still don’t have the picture.

Anyway Mojo Nixon was putting on Mojo Mayhem during SxSW. Turns out Mojo had a little success as a rocker in the 80s, and now is DJ on satellite radio playing “outlaw” music. Dan is not a fan of Mojo’s show, but wanted to hear one of the Mayhem acts – James McMurtry. Dan has been a big fan of McMurtry’s ever since hearing Choctaw Bingo. Dan says that if you are interested in a song dealing with a family reunion in Oklahoma, doping the kids with cherry coke & vodka, Asian brides, 50 caliber hand guns, etc, then check it out. Dan could not believe that he and Tim had any possibility of seeing McMurtry for free, without camping out in line, but they decided to chance it.

Turns out the line up for Mojo Mayhem was - The Mighty Stef, Jon Dee Graham, James McMurtry, Andre Williams, Dash Rip Rock, and Mojo Nixon. Dan and Tim got there just in time for The Mighty Stef, rockers from Ireland. There was no line, they got their hands stamped and waltzed right in. The place was packed, and the surprising thing was the number of baby boomers there for what can only be classified as high speed, loud, in your face rock and roll. In fact, all the amplifiers were turned up to 11 just like in the movie Spinal Tap. Dan did notice that of all the boomers there, several wives looked like they were not truly happy to be experiencing Mayhem? One more pleasant surprise, Lone Stars were only $3!

After the Mighty Stef, Dan and Tim headed out to get some food, figuring their stamps were good for all day. While eating their lunch Dan noticed a lengthy line forming at the Continental. So they hustled back to learn that the hand stamps meant nothing and they now had to wait in line. After what seemed like forever, Tim got in leaving Dan looking forlornly. Tim promised to drink a beer for Dan. End result was they missed Jon Dee Graham, but not James McMurtry. McMurtry was excellent, and finished his show with Choctaw Bingo, complete with GoGo dancers, and two girls dressed like killer bees dancing around him as he performed. You had to be there.

Although McMurtry was the biggest act on Mayhem, it did not go down hill after he played. Next up was Andre Williams. Before we tell you about Andre, let’s describe his opening.
First the band comes out looking like the Buddy Holly’s band, the Crickets. Five nerdy looking guys, in bright green suits from the 50s, they launch into a blues based rock song and are joined by Andre and more GoGo dancers (but not like any dancers you have ever seen before). Andre is a small African American, that is 72 years old, completed dressed in a bright red three piece velvet suit, red velvet hat, and Ray Charles glasses (can you say – pimp daddy?). Turns out Andre had hit records in the 50s; wrote or co-wrote hits with Stevie Wonder, Ike & Tina Turner, etc; lost everything to drugs and alcohol; recorded what is called the sleaziest album ever in the 80s; and now tours the USA and Europe. We would tell you more about Andre’s show, but this is a family BLOG.

Next up was Dash Rip Rock. This is a three piece punk rock/country group that started in the 80s in Baton Rouge, that is world famous for their live bar shows (key word being bar). Tim and Dan were amazed by the intensity and musicianship of just three guys! One of the highlights was Dash singing “Let’s Go Smoke Some Pot” to Danny & the Juniors’ “At the Hop”. Finally, it was Mojo’s turn with his band The Toadliquors (note spelling). Upon taking the stage Mojo announced his/their intention to get really “wasted” by the end of their set (he was pretty well on his way). In fact, the group refused to play until someone provided the drummer with a couple of beers and several shots! After every song the group would demand more beers and shots, and someone in the crowd would pony-up. Amazingly Mojo and the boys played a pretty good set in spite of way too much liquid refreshment.

All in all, it was great rock and roll day! In fact, Dan and Tim are making plans for next year, something about moving the RV down to Austin so they don’t have to drive back and forth?

Anyway after three short weeks in TX, it is time for us to start traveling west and north to the great Pacific NW, and our property in Sultan, WA. We don’t have an exact route planned, but probably will take I-10 west to California, and then pick a highway north from there.

Trivia – Where does the name Dash Rip Rock come from (think Ellie May)?

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