grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Monday, November 24, 2008

22/23NOV08 - Biloxi, MS

After three very cold days at the Tiffin RV factory we decided to head south to a warmer climate and little casino R&R in Biloxi. That night, Saturday, found us at one of the local casino seafood buffets. The average cost for these type of buffets is about $20 per person. But this casino gave each person a $10 coupon for gambling. Even though one of us broke even gambling and therefore actually only paid $10 for the buffet; the other lost a little more gambling and we might have been better off paying full cost and not taking the coupons.

Sunday morning we decided to drive westward on US90 and see how the recovery from Hurricane Katrina was progressing. The portion of Mississippi westward from Biloxi received a storm surge estimated at 30 feet, and therefore was pretty much leveled. The recovery is still going very slowly, with one exception. For some reason the building of brand new condominiums seems to be going like gang busters?

For lunch Dan wanted to eat at the very first McDonalds he ever went to way back in 62/63. At that time Dan’s dad was stationed at Keesler AFB in Biloxi. The housing area the Ryan family lived in was off the AFB on Pass Road, and the McDonalds was within walking distance on Pass Road. The original style building with the Golden Arches has been replaced but still in the same location. Dan thinks the sign used to say 12 million served back then?

That evening we went to a casino we had never visited before because they gave new members $20 to gamble with. As in all things in life, there are no free lunches. Turns out that “money” was credited to your player’s card and you could not cash it out; and you could only use it on slot machines! Dan hates slot machines and only plays video poker; so he was not pleased being forced to play a slot machine. He picked one that had so many options, that he couldn’t figure it out. End result was he ended up betting everything and winning! That meant he could now cash out and go play video poker.

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