grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Monday, November 10, 2008

02-07NOV08 - Kerrville, TX (one journey ends, our's continues)

On Sunday Dan flew to San Antonio, where he met up with middle brother, Shawn, and drove to Kerrville. Although Dan Sr’s health appeared to have taken a turn for the worse, it was not un-expected and had been discussed by the doctors. However, it was believed that there would also be a rebound, or two, before his passing and the doctors were talking weeks not days.

Early Monday morning Sharon, Shawn & Dan visited Dad, at that time he was coherent and thanked Shawn for visiting. By the afternoon he was extremely tired and not very coherent. When we returned Tuesday morning, he recognized us but kept passing in and out of consciousness. Shortly after lunch he expired.

We won’t recount the sadness and the tears, but rather share something that was unexpected and nice. Dan Sr had only been in TX less than two years, and never was truly happy there. From our vantage point it appeared he had little, to no, social interaction with anyone in Kerrville. However, he did routinely go to Chili’s everyday for lunch and a toddy; and would also return a couple of times a week for dinner and a toddy. A couple of his acquaintances from Chili’s did visit him at the VA and Skill Nursing Facility. On of them, John, talked to Sharon and suggested that we all meet at Chili’s, Thursday at 5PM.

Before the appointed time on Thursday, Tim took Dan Sr’s car and parked it the handicapped parking spot that he routinely used. There was no mistake that it was his car, because the passenger side was severely scratched up from front to rear from his last mistake behind the wheel before we got him to stop driving. Apparently the car caused a couple of double takes by the regulars and the staff. In preparation for our visit to Chili’s, Sharon prepared a bulletin board with many family photos; in addition we brought his Air Force certificates and his service cap.

When we (Dan, Shawn, Sharon & Tim) arrived at Chili’s we found a handful of people who had placed flowers and his glass (and we mean his glass, it was not a Chili’s standard glass and bartenders were instructed no one else was to be served in that glass) filled with Tuaca (Italian Liquor) on the bar in front of “his” barstool. To this we added his favorite hat, which he always wore on his trips downtown. Within minutes there were over twenty people gathered around the family pictures telling us what a great guy Dan Sr was. So a situation we were not sure of, turned out to be very nice “Irish” wake, that would have pleased Dan Sr and we found very enjoyable.
In addition to the sad details and legal necessities, Dan & Tim found time to take brother Shawn sightseeing to the River Walk in San Antonio, the Alamo, and the Mission Trail to Mission San Jose. And also took him with Sharon on the required trip to Luckenback. Shawn, who also owns a Harley Davidson motorcycle, kept saying he would be riding everyday if he lived in TX.

On Friday Shawn flew back to the Seattle area; and Dan & Sharon met with the lawyer to probate the Will. Then first thing Saturday morning Dan jumped into the MB that Tim & Sharon had kindly stored for half a year, and started driving back to Houma.

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