The next morning we, including Gumbo, took off for the town of Silver City about one hour north of Deming. Silver City, as is the story with most towns in the region, started with the discovery of silver and copper. It did shrink some after the minerals declined but never was in danger of becoming a ghost town. Now it is making a comeback as a haven for free thinkers and artists. The political sense of the town is shown in the unofficial motto – “Silver City, where hippies go to ...”. About a hundred years ago the town’s main street was “lowered” by two flash floods in seven years. We are talking fifty feet! So learning their lesson the second time, the fifty foot ditch was lined with rocks and retaining walls for future flash floods. Today part of it is a beautiful linear park. There are murals everywhere, and many shop owners paint their shops with bright colors that are inspired by the southwest landscape. We found the time in Silver City very enjoyable, and want to return to see what the night life is like.
We took a different route on our return to Deming. About 15 miles out of Deming we discovered the largest open pit copper mine in North America. The owner of the mine even provides a “scenic” overlook of the mine, complete with placards depicting the history of copper mining on this site from the Native Americans, through the Spaniards, to today. Our next stop was to view a natural wonder as opposed to a man made wonder, City of Rocks State Park. These rocks were formed by volcanic action and sit in the middle of the high desert with nothing like it around. This formation is not unique and six others exist throughout the world. What is different is that New Mexico allows you open access to the entire formation, even allowing climbing on them; unlike elsewhere where you are strictly limited to marked paths. From our perspective it appears that the rocks are no worse for wear, even with Gumbo leaving his mark on them.
After our return to camp and taking care of Gumbo, it was time for dinner. Dan’s sister, Sharon, and husband, Tim, had spent some time in Deming in an RV. Sharon has raved about a Mexican restaurant called Si Senor ever since. So off we went. We arrived a little before 6PM and there were already eight people in line! We were seated within 20 minutes and have to agree with Sharon. The food is very good and reasonably priced (no item over $8, most cost $6). The chips come with three salsas – red, green and white. And at the end of the meal they give you fresh baked sopaipillas with honey, and then ask if you want dessert?
The next day when we checked out Corrie got to experience another Escapee tradition. When Corrie paid the bill, the lady asked her if she wanted a hug? Turns out when leaving an Escapee property you are offered a farewell hug. We definitely enjoyed our first experience with an Escapee RV park, but Dan will leave future hugs to Corrie. Wonder what they would have done if they knew it was Corrie’s birthday at the baked potato dinner?
Corrie-Happy Birthday- are you older than me now????
When we were there, we went south in stead of North. Sounds like you had more fun. We will try north next time.
A gentleman never asks, and a lady never tells.
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