grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, October 5, 2007

03OCT07 - Alturas, CA

Today was a continued scenic drive down old US highway 97 to beat the impending bad weather. At Klamath Falls we cut over through northeast California to Alturas to spend the night. Luckily we filled up with diesel before crossing the border, because diesel was twenty cents more per gallon! Alturas is an extremely small town and we spent the night at Sully’s RV that had space for five RVs.

While in town we learned about an unique California creation called the – Rancheria. These were created in early 1900s sort of mini reservations for surviving members of very small tribes. Now with many tribes getting into casinos, these Rancherias take on added significance. Turns out in Alturas that there is a Rancheria of nine Native Americans and their own small casino!

It looks like we are still one day in front of the bad weather, so tomorrow we head for another of Dan’s old stomping grounds of Fallon, NV.

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