grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

01-31JAN18 - Sultan, WA (lots of playing in the snow)

Monday (New Year’s Day) we all headed to Hyak Sno-Park where we introduced grandkids to snow & sledding January of last year (see below BLOG link).  Turns out the “big” hill was closed due to ice, but it was still fun.  That evening was a traditional Cajun New Year’s day dinner, that supposedly ensures good luck in the new year.

03JAN Wednesday evening we headed to SeaTac airport to pick Joe up at Airport.  Unfortunately he was working offshore during the holidays, & is now joining the family for a late xmas & skiing.

Thursday Joe & Dan ski at Stevens Pass until sleet arrives, cutting there day short.  That evening we celebrated grandson Jaxson’s sixth birthday w/Chick-fil-A dinner.  After dinner Jaxson opened his b-day presents, & then Joe opened his xmas presents.

Friday Joe & Dan head back to Stevens Pass – only to find pretty miserable conditions.  Everyone else shows up at lunch for ski lessons (you remember the grandkids only other ski lesson was last January, see below BLOG link).  By the time Raymond, Jaxson & Mason are suited up for lessons entire ski area shut down; everyone that asks gets a refund.  On the return home Joe & Dan go looking for a state run offroad area on Reiter Rd, Gold Bar, WA.  The plan is at some future visit, Joe will do some four wheel drive rock crawling.

Sunday, 07JAN, Dan takes Joe to Stevens finding the parking lots are full.  Dan drops Joe off & then heads home, leaving Joe there.  Later that day in two cars, everyone else goes to Stevens Pass Nordic Center for sledding.  Dan then picked up Joe & they meet everyone in Leavenworth to see the xmas lights & have dinner.  Turns out it is big holiday tourist attraction for thousands of people to travel to Leavenworth each evening to view the lights.  But they actually leave lights up until February & the crowds are gone after new years.  Then it was a late night trip back to house thru a driving snow storm, followed by rain.

08JAN Monday early AM Dan & Joe head to Stevens Pass.  This time new snow, no crowds, & they end up being first ones to ski back side of mountain for the day.  Raymond & Rebecca show up later that AM; Raymond tries snowboarding, but quickly switches to skiing.  A great dayJ!

The next day, 09JAN, Rebecca, Raymond & Joe go hiking at Franklin Falls off of I-90.  They discover road to trail head is closed for last 2 miles due to icing.  Even though they have very poor strap-on ice crampons they hike in, & then proceed to climb about the ice covered rocks.

Wednesday Joe & Dan go skiing, lots of new snow but not the best conditions in Dan’s opinion.  That evening was family game night.

11JAN Thursday Joe, Rebecca & Raymond go skiing; major snow storm & traffic problems on passes.  In fact there is so much snow, that they have to dig our new truck out, to get moving even w/four wheel drive!

Friday morning, 12JAN, sadly it was back to SeaTac for Joe’s return to Louisiana.  Sunday, 14JAN, we accompanied Rebecca & Raymond to Stevens Pass for Jaxson & Mason’s ski lessons.

Back at the houses for a short dinner; before the kids & grandkids head to for a short stay at a BnB in Astoria, OR.  Returning on the 16th.  One of the pictures they took of the grandkids standing in front of a shipwreck on the Oregon beach, is the exact same wreck we took a picture of Rebecca & Joe sitting on way back in July 1994!

19JAN Friday Raymond had to fly out to return to his job in KuwaitL!  The rest of January was pretty quiet.

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