grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, June 30, 2017

01-30JUN17 - Sultan, WA (summer solstice in fremont)

Saturday, 03JUN, we headed to Everett for the “Artist’s Garage Sale” outside the Schack Art Center – see the below internet description of the event.  In our opinion the prices were much better than when the same artists/vendors sell their items at the “normal” street fairs.  This was followed by brunch at Kates Greek & American – pretty good, Dan had the gyro scramble, sadly no greek coffee?

“100+ artists are cleaning out their studios for this annual street sale in front of the Schack Art Center.  Become an art collector without breaking the bank. You'll find incredible bargains on old and new stock including glass, ceramics, watercolors, oils, acrylics, recycled art, photography, garden art and much more.”

On 05JUN the house AC was finally fixed.  This was then followed on 08, 09 & 14JUN with us dealing w/septic alarm issues.  After three repair attempts, problem solved.  The good thing about the alarm issue, was the septic tanks were opened & we discovered they were VERY overdue for pumping; but this had nothing to do with the alarm issue?

Saturday, 10JUN, we go to Sorticulture (garden arts festival) in Everett – as their facebook page states –

June 9-11, 2017 Sorticulture unites art and the garden in a celebration of creative outdoor living. Over 100 artists and nurseries gather to showcase distinctive hand-crafted garden art and unique plants to transform your backyard. Learn tips and tricks from top regional gardening experts including special guest Ciscoe Morris Saturday at 2 p.m. Sorticulture also features display gardens, live music, a food fair and free activities for the kids.”

Saturday, 17JUN, it was into Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood for the Fremont Fair (Seattle’s Solstice Tradition!).  See our below BLOG link for more details about this very unique Seattle event (can you say – several hundred nude bicyclists?).  Sometime after our last experience with this event in 2010, the organizers shifted the parade/bicycle ride from the afternoon to the evening.  This was not well received & attendance at the festival sharply declined.  This year the parade returned to its early start time.

21JUN Rebecca & kids returned from Canada, while Raymond flew back to his job in Kuwait.

Saturday, 24JUN, sometime after dinner our neighbor calls about a mule who fell to bottom of a swampy gulley on their property.  Neighbors & volunteer fire department were trying to rescue the mule.  Eventually a vet is called to sedate & provide IVs during the rescue attempts.  Best we can do is get mule “righted” w/hind legs still mired in the mud; & eventually the volunteer fire fighters must return to station.  Next WASART (Washington State Animal Response Team) is called (one of eight large animal rescue groups in USA).  As WASART crew starts to arrive Dan calls it a day at midnight; but our driveway ends-up as a staging area, w/twelve WASART vehicles parked in it.  After Dan returns home, Corrie decides to get up & help w/rescue until almost 4AM, when the mule is eventually winched up the gulley.

Sunday, 25JUN, more record heat in Seattle area.  During the day Dan noticed that Rebecca’s weimaraner dog has gotten into rat poison in the shop/RV garage.  First we call the 800 number on the rat poison bag; they give us some very good “treatment” advice, which we immediately did.  Then it was off to the only vet office in the area open on Sunday.  They felt that we had taken the necessary precautions; prescribed vitamin K to guard against internal bleeding, & scheduled blood tests in a month.  Thankfully all turned out well.

Friday, 30JUN, our RV/Coast Guard friends Chuck & Anneke Guldenschuh from Florida show up in their RV for a visit.  If you follow our BLOG you will recognize them from our almost yearly visits to their place near Navarre, FL (see below BLOG link for our last visit).  This year they joined an RV caravan tracing the route of Lewis & Clark.  Since the caravan ended at the mouth of the Columbia River in Oregon, what better time to drive three hours north & visit us?

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