grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, September 30, 2016

01-30SEP16 - Sultan, WA (not much happened)

Sunday, 04SEP, we headed to SkiBonkers in Bellevue.  SkiBonkers you ask?  SkiBonkers is an annual event by one of the biggest sports stores in the Seattle area.  Corrie saw their ad & figured Dan could check out last year’s ski equipment being liquidated.  Not keeping up w/latest ski technology/innovation like he did in 70s, he is not sure if what he purchased will do the job?  Plus it will take over five years of infrequent ski trips to break even over paying for rental equipment!

Sunday, 18SEP, around noontime we headed over to Dan’s brother Shawn & Cindie’s for BBQ (great) & the Seahawk game (very poor performance).  Also there was Shawn’s daughter Kassie w/son Rex; Cindie’s daughter Shannon; & a cousin, niece, & some other’s from Cindie’s family.  A very enjoyable time, too bad the Hawks lost.

The only other “event” in September, was grandson Mason’s third birthday which once again were not in Louisiana forL

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