28JUL, Saturday, was the 120th year birthday party for Steve & Dan described in the previous BLOG entry. We were blessed with great weather, great food (elk burgers, brats, dogs, sesame teriyaki chicken, escargot filled mushrooms, & side dish after side dish), & most important - great company! Everyone was very impressed with the two decks built by us, even if they were missing some stairs. The day included the unveiling of the first US Coast Guard submarine, many spirited ladder ball games, & a bigger fire in the fire pit. As always there was way too much food left for us to eat; but thankfully the “kids” are here & it should all go fast!

The next day, Sunday morning, Ed jumped on his Harley to head back to Sprucewoods, Manitoba, Canada. After cleaning up from the party everyone headed to the Iron Goat Trail to go hiking. See below BLOG for when we hiked the first half of it two years ago. Corrie decided to wait for us at the Interpretive Center. Raymond had his son Jaxson on his back; of course Jaxson conked out within the first mile. It was a great two hour hike, even if we did see several signs of bears in the area.

http://theryanrvexpress.blogspot.com/2010/08/test.htmlhttp://www.irongoat.org/Monday everyone except Corrie headed into Seattle for sightseeing. In less than six hours they managed to see – Dan’s paternal grandparents house on Capitol Hill & the great free view from Volunteer Park; the center of the universe in the Fremont neighborhood; Dan’s maternal grandparents house on Queen Anne; Seattle Center site of the 1962 World’s Fair; ride the Alweg Monorail to downtown; Pike Place Market; walk the Waterfront; lunch at Ivars; Curiosity Shoppe; Pioneer Square; & finally back to the car to Dan’s parents house in Redmond. Of course we had to get those “classic” family photos with the troll under the Aurora Bridge, Ivar & the seagulls, & the Pike Place Market pig.

Tuesday, 31JUL, Dan, Raymond & Joe headed to the Future of Flight for the Boeing “Factory” tour. While Corrie, Rebecca & Jaxson took it easy & did some shopping. The Boeing tour is of their Everett, WA, plant where they assemble 747s, 767s & their newest product 787s (aka The Dreamliner). The building is the largest building in the world by volume & was built in the early 70s specifically for the 747. A very interesting tour. Upon the boys return to the house they were shown a vintage Radio Flyer Retro Rocket that Corrie had purchased for Jaxson’s first Xmas. Of course she couldn’t wait, & had Jaxson riding it immediately. Dinner was at Red Robin followed by walk on the banks of the Skykomish River.
http://www.futureofflight.org/Wednesday is off to zipline at Canopy Tours NW on Camano Island; leaving Grandma with Jaxson for most of the day. Dan, Rebecca, Raymond & Joe conquered their fears & had a great time; including a ride on a Unamog(sp?). In fact they “wished” the ziplines were longer & faster! That evening we were joined by all of Dan’s sister Sharon’s kids – Aimee, Marisa & Julia, along with five of the six of their kids & Aimee’s husband Ben. The only three people who didn’t make it were Marisa’s husband Dave, Julia’s husband Casey & Aimee’s oldest Savannah. It was the first time in decades that our kids had seen some of their cousins (certainly all at one time).

http://canopytoursnw.com/Thursday morning, 02AUG, we slept in before finishing packing & taking Rebecca, Raymond & Jaxson to the airport. Since we were early to the airport we stopped at the Pancake Chef for a late breakfast as we have done in the past (see Ryan RV Express BLOG link above for more about the Pancake Chef).
It was a great six days, but we told them next time come for two weeks so we can spread activities out!!!

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