grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Saturday, June 30, 2012

22-30JUN12 - Sultan, WA

Our drive from Bonnie & Steve’s on 22JUN12 was through rain storms that continued all the next day; even knocking out power in the area. By Monday the 25th we finally got a break in the weather & began working on outdoor projects. Unfortunately Dan pushed his luck with the tractor & got it stuck all the way up to the rear axle! At least once or twice a year we get the tractor stuck (or hung up on a stump) & usually get it “free” by ourselves. No such luck this time, & we needed Marty our tractor guy to come by & winch us out the next day.

We spent 26-28JUN laying down a major portion of deck planks on our big front deck. At the same time Dan began building a “test” bench on our STD (small test deck). Remember being taught about the dangers of spontaneous combustion in school? We are using a natural rosewood oil to seal the deck. We left the oil soaked rag on the deck in the sunlight. Thirty minutes later Dan came outside & smelled smoke? He then barely noticed the rag giving off wisps of smoke. The outside of the rag looked “normal”. Only after he picked it up, did he realize how hot it was & the inside was charred black!

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