grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Monday, November 14, 2011

16OCT-13NOV11 - Houma, LA

As we stated in our last BLOG we are at Rebecca & Raymond’s awaiting the arrival of their first child (aka our first grand child)! Upon our arrival Sunday, 16OCT, Corrie immediately began “organizing” the baby’s room. By the second day she had repainted the room & then began on refinishing a dresser to match the color of the crib. Meanwhile Dan was tasked with assembling a “changing dresser”; a task that involved hundreds of little fasteners & 25 pages of instructions that were not 100% correct. He also assembled the stroller, a much easier task because the only thing required was installing the wheels & drink holders.

During this time we also started our annual round of doctor & dentist visits. Dan also had to attend a two day conference in Baton Rouge for his part time employer, NCBRT. We described in one of our previous BLOG entries about changing out our RV metal venetian blinds for custom day/night shades at the Tiffin RV factory in Red Bay, AL. Due to the cost we did not change out all of them at that time. Finally the amount of dirt & dust on the remaining metal blinds got to us & we decided to change out the remaining four using household plastic roller blinds Corrie bought at the local home center. The end result was a definite & inexpensive improvement; we should have done it years ago!

The “hi-lite” of the last four weeks was the Baby Shower on Sunday, 13NOV; held at Rebecca & Raymond’s friend’s, Beanie, house. It was a coed function, so Raymond & Dan were dragged along. From the pictures you will note that many of the attendees were wearing Saints football jerseys. Why? Because the shower was the same time as the game between the Saints & the Falcons (aka the Dirty Birds). It was very good time, & thankfully the Saints won in overtime!

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