grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Sunday, August 29, 2010

08-20AUG10 - Monroe, WA

We took a few days of relaxing to recover from kids visit, then the Seattle area was hit by several days of 90 degree weather. So on Saturday, 14AUG, it was off to cousin Paul Peters’ & wife, Shannon, to enjoy the pool & a small family get together. Paul’s brother John & Michelle were there with their five kids. Paul BBQ’d some nice steaks & fresh corn, & the day was finished with angel food cake with fresh strawberries.

17AUG we took off in the Toad to check out potential crabbing spots at Mukeltio & on Camano Island. In Mukeltio we discovered a very nice waterfront park located by the Washington State ferry terminal; & enjoyed a fried clam lunch from that Seattle institution - Ivars Seafood Bar (or as Corrie insists on saying - McIvars). After talking to the locals we were directed to Utsalady cove on Camano Island for crabbing.

So Wednesday morning we loaded the Toad up with the boat, the motor, & two brand new crabpots with associated gear, & headed back to Utsalady to place the crabpots. The boat worked alright except it had a small leak on the transom & the engine continually died. Having set our pots we headed back to the RV, where Dan eventually fixed the outboard engine. Thursday morning we headed back to Camano Island only to discover that our crabpots had been stolen ($150 down the drain)!!! Turns out this is a very common occurrence, especially if “they” think you are not a local.
Friday we bought “lunch to go” from Dick’s & took it with us on a visit to Dan’s Aunt Madeline. Dick’s is the home of “Instant Service” not “Fast Food”, & only offers burgers, fries, shakes & sodas. They started in 1954 & the only change to menu since then was the addition of double paddy deluxe cheeseburger in 1971. The original owners made a conscious decision not to expand outside of the Seattle area. Dick’s has good burger & fries always at a better price than the national chains; they may not be the “best” burger, but they are Seattle’s favorite year in & year out. We than took our burgers & fries to Aunt Madeline’s for a enjoyable lunch on the deck & a great visit (see below BLOG link for our last visit with Dan’s aunt).

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