grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

12-30JUN09 - Monroe, WA

Friday, 12JUN, the Evergreen State Fairgrounds asked us if we would be interested in being Camp Hosts for “awhile”? About a week ago, our friends and previous Camp Hosts, Bob & Karrie, had to return home for medical reasons. When we had learned of this, we had volunteered to fill their duties until a replacement could be found. Apparently it took awhile to make the decision. Anyway, we shifted from our campsite over to the fenced compound that the host gets with full hook-ups. And we get to stay for free, and should be getting a nice refund soon!
Meanwhile back at the property we started to drill for water using a firm called Dahlman. Within 20 feet we hit a muddy trickle of water at 2gpm. We could use this water but it would require an expensive treatment system and a 1000 gallon holding tank. So we went deeper and at 35 feet we hit 40gpm of clear water! The next day they put in the casing and pumping system and ran it for four hours, and all looked great. Unfortunately within two days the well silted in and none of the screening systems they tried could prevent the well from running dry. They continued drilling down to 85 feet, and again the well silted in. Looks like next stop is 200 feet?

One weekend Dan’s cousin Paul had an impromptu get together at his house with his brother John & wife, Michelle, & kids; and youngest brother Jim. It was a beautiful day, with Paul barbequing drunken chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs. Another great day with family.


Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Did they come with a divining rod? Good luck on the drilling.

Corrie and Dan Ryan said...

yeah we "water witched" it, but if you read anything on the subject, you might as well flip a coin. - corrie & dan