grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Thursday, September 25, 2008

13-25SEP08 - Everett, WA (and dry lake & red stick)

The Saturday after the Pig Roast was a small Memorial Gathering for Uncle Bob Harris who had succumbed to cancer. Many of the maternal relatives we had seen at the roast were again together for this bitter, sweet, occasion. Although it was good to see Aunt Madeline and cousins Stephanie & husband Ron, Sheila & husband Mike, and Robbie; we wish the circumstances could have been different. The last we had seen Uncle Bob was almost exactly one year ago on a previous RV trip to Washington, see our BLOG for 07-11SEP07.

Uncle Bob was one of the Greatest Generation having served in the 10th Mountain Division during WWII. After the war he was a life long avid skier. In fact, he and his wife Madeline, were Ski Patrollers at one of Dan’s favorite ski areas, Stevens Pass, for decades. Fortunately, they were never on duty when Dan had his run-ins with the Ski Patrol.

Although the reason for the get together was sad, it was a beautiful day with fond remembrances of his life along with continually video photos from his entire life playing on the TV. At the end there were several champagne toasts to the many good things he accomplished.

First thing Sunday morning Dan departed for Playas (aka Dry Lake), NM, on business. Playas was a true company town built from scratch by Phelps Dodge in the 70s. Turns out Phelps Dodge built a brand new copper smelting plant in the middle of the NM desert, and the town of Playas was created to house the workers. The town had everything needed – medical clinic, school, two churches, fire house, bar, bowling alley, community center, houses, etc. To Dan it was very similar to most military bases he has seen.

When the price of copper plummeted in the 90s, Phelps Dodge closed the smelter, kicked everyone out and walked away. Eventually the state acquired the property and created a branch of New Mexico Tech University called Energetic Materials Research & Testing Center. Dan can’t tell you all that they do here, but he can tell you they blow up things. We’re talking C4 plastic explosive, and his favorite hundreds of pounds of ammonium nitrate!
Unfortunately there are no accommodations in Playas. So Dan had to stay in Deming, NM, 70 miles away! Some of you may recognize that we had been in Deming previously; for others see our BLOG for 25/26OCT07. While in Deming Dan discovered a very unique restaurant called the Adobe Deli. The Deli is ten miles out of town and is in a cinder block school building that is probably 40 years old. The school was small with maybe four class rooms and small gym/multi purpose room the size of a half court basketball court. The bar and restaurant occupy the gym, and they serve the biggest and best steaks, along with fresh Maine lobster. The prices are not cheap but the food and atmosphere are worth it.

Dan returned for one day Sunday, 21SEP08, and then departed for another business trip to Baton Rouge (aka Red Stick), LA, that Monday. The good thing about this trip was that Dan was able to take time to visit our daughter Rebecca and husband Raymond Pitre in Houma, LA. Although Baton Rouge is well inland from the Gulf of Mexico, the effects of hurricane Gustav were very evident. Although Gustav was only a category two by the time it passed over Baton Rouge, the direction of the winds and the sustained velocity made it one of the most powerful the city ever experienced. There was no flooding but a tremendous amount of roof damage and thousands of oaks toppled over. Just reaffirms our decision to sell our house and get away from the Gulf of Mexico. Dan returned Thursday and hopefully that is it for business trips for the year.

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