We all first met way back in the late 70s early 80s when we were all in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, together (Chuck was Dan’s boss the first time he was stationed overseas). Our paths have continually crossed as both men pursued their Coast Guard careers. In fact, when the CG reopened the Rotterdam office in 1995, Chuck was the first Commanding Officer assigned, and Dan was his first Executive Officer!
As we proceeded from Panama City to Navarre, we could begin to see the remaining after effects of hurricane Ivan over four to five years ago. Since Navarre is very close to Pensacola, it was heavily impacted. Many small business, smaller condominiums, and some houses are still damaged and empty. In fact, we heard on the news that one of the major insurance companies will cancel all their Florida hurricane insurance 01 JAN 08 – Happy New Year?
We made it safely to the RV park and immediately met up with the Guldenschuhs. After a little time socializing, we all headed over to the nearby Army Base, Hurlburt Field, to do a little shopping. Then it was back to the RV park where Dan BBQ’d some lamb and a delicious meal was had by all. The rest of the evening was spent telling sea stories and playing cards. The next morning the Guldenschuhs took us to a local restaurant known for its baked goods (the cinnamon rolls are excellent!) and large omelets on Santa Rosa Island. A quick driving tour of the Island shows about 90% of the homes completely gone because of hurricane Ivan.
That evening being New Years Eve, we all planned on gathering at the Guldenschuh’s daughter, Heather, and her husband, Ryan Baxter, house to bring in the New Year. Ryan and Heather live down the beach in Mary Esther. It turns out that the “party” was evenly split between four “oldies” in their fifties; and four “young pups” in their twenties. First we had a traditional "dutch" New Year's Eve dinner of ertwensoep (dutch split pea soup w/ham & sausage), and ollie ballen (think donut holes on steroids); followed by more card games. Since we were able to watch the Time Square celebration real time (ie East Coast time), we were able to make our good-byes and get back to the RV before midnight local time (ie Central time). Remember every party needs a pooper. Anyway – GELUKKIG NIEUWJAAR!!! De beste wensen voor 2008!
1 comment:
It was a great time and glad you could be here! Not done my blog yet as we have been busy finishing the kitchen project, which was done today.
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