Wednesday, first day of 2025, finish clean-up of leftover snackies
from our wild celebration night before.
Cold, gray, dismal, typical PNW winter day, not much done.
Saturday AM (Grandson Jaxson’s birthday 04JAN, now a teenager☹)
Dan heads to Pitre’s in Silverdale. Several reasons for trip: see kids and grandkids – Jaxson’s b-day - Dan to have coffee with CG Classmate/friend while there, and to watch Jaxson’s soccer game. Then head home.
Sunday, 05JAN not much done; review preop instructions and make
preps for Dan’s pacemaker/defib procedure tomorrow. If you remember Dan EF heart measure had
dropped significantly. Requiring the
installation of a man-made aorta valve in September. Dan’s EF improved but not to cardio doctor’s
liking. So next step is a Pacemaker
combined with a Defibrillator.
Monday AM we head to Providence Hospital for next invasive
cardio procedure for Dan (cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator
(CRT-D) system). Turns out that Dan’s
improved heart condition from new aorta valve in September was not “good
enough”. So cardio doctor had Dan wear
heart monitor for one week. Then monitor
was mailed to manufacturer for analysis.
Based on analysis, cardio doctor decided combination pacemaker/DeFib was
the way to go.
So we arrived at 1030 for 1:30pm procedure as instructed. Turns out the entire OR schedule for the day was already three hours behind because first patient of the day was three hours late! Dan was already prepped and had IV ports inserted, so he stayed on gurney waiting. End result was not getting home until 9PM. Tuesday Dan feels pretty good after yesterday’s procedure; not much done. Wednesday and Thursday continues recovery.
Friday AM Dan sets up appointment with neuro doctor to go over
MRI’s taken last Friday. Neuro doctor wants to see if they shed light on Dan's "numb" upper left arm since Oct? Appointment
nurse says nothing open till late March.
But there is one opening at 4PM today if Dan can make it? We make it and
turns out doctor really wanted to see Dan after EMG cervical/nerve test
(scheduled for early March) is done to determine left arm problem. No cost visit; dinner at Ivar’s Clams.
Saturday at lunch time we head to soccer field in Everett for grandson Jaxson’s soccer game. Daddy Raymond was there and it turns out this is part of a tournament (they will play other teams each weekend for a month). Game ends in a tie; then off to Chick-fil-Let for late lunch. We head home and Raymond/Jaxson head home to Silverdale.
Sunday, 12JAN, not much done, Dan starts working on 2024 taxes. Monday AM off to cardio clinic to have
pacemaker/defib device checked out. As
usual with Dan’s military training we get there 45 minutes early🙃 But that was a good thing because they took
him right away and we got out of there before our scheduled arrival time.
Saturday, 18JAN, 1200 soccer game for Jaxson at Roosevelt HS field in Seattle (meet Rebecca & Mason there). After game late lunch at Mod Pizza for all of us, before we head home.
Saturday, 25JAN, early AM Dan drives to Bremerton for grandson Mason’s soccer game; Rebecca there also. Husband Raymond and other grandson Jaxson at home awaiting arrival of new sofa and love seat. After game Dan heads Pitre’s for quick visit and free lunch😊
Then catches ferry home; beautiful weather and great views of Mt Baker, Mt Tahoma, Olympics and Cascades on the ride.
Thursday, 30JAN, sunny, cold weather finally ends and light rain by late evening. Dan has another CG Academy Class 74 luncheon at BJs Brewhouse in Tukwila. Seated lower left around to lower right - Petersen, Brantner, Gault, Jeff Garrett, Weston, Harvey, Formisano, MacKenzie, Millan, D.Ryan, Mercier, Burke.
Friday (last day of January), rain throughout night and into
morning; Corrie runs lots of errands; forecast is maybe snow on Sunday/Monday?