Tuesday first day of October, Corrie runs errands. Then Dan & Corrie have one week follow-up with cardio doctor about TAVR Dan received 23SEP. All is well.
Thursday, 03OCT, a round 2PM Dan upper left arm goes numb from
elbow to shoulder and feels like overstuffed sausage? Off to Monroe ER, after three hours and MRI
of brain and neck with contrast, ER doctor thinks it might be small stroke on
left side☹
Once again no FAST symptoms? Problem
is – if stroke is on left side, symptoms should be on right side?? Dan must remain overnight but at what
facility? Decision is stay in Monroe
clinic with more tests tomorrow.
Overnight hospital observation until Friday AM. During the day another round of tests. Dan still has left arm symptoms. Discharge orders issued with recommendation
to seek neuro consult and “nerve” test(s).
Saturday Corrie runs errands and heads to Mason’s soccer game. Dan spends most of the day going thru all the
e-files hospital wrote-up of last two days at Monroe clinic. Lots of questions now on - what now? Dan finds time to mow last part of big front
Monday, 07OCT, AM Dan off to Primary Care for follow-up on
thur/fri ER visit. Referrals received
and Dan heads home to start arrangements.
Beautiful day and around 4PM Corrie not feeling well and off to ER this
time for her. Nothing found and home.
Tuesday after lunch head to WWMG for cardio check about recent possible
stroke discovery on left side of brain.
Cardio wise post TVAR check-up is fine.
They have no thoughts about left arm.
Tomorrow is cervical spine check about left arm numbness.
Wednesday both of us off to medical appointments. Dan sees spine specialist, but nothing
connects minor “old age” spine wear and tear shown on imaging to numb left arm. Plan is couple of weeks of PT and if nothing
changes, then future tests?
Friday, 11OCT, late AM off to Edmonds ferry and on to Rebecca’s
house; not much done. Grandson Jaxson
few months away from teenhood now goes to local YMCA for teen night (starts at
530PM to 10PM). Dan picked him up at 8PM. Didn’t go inside but big modern building and
all facilities open to teens (along with regular Y members). According to Jax closely monitored by staff and
very easy to get kicked out for the evening or even banned for any mis-conduct.
Saturday noon time soccer game for Jaxson; then home for some yard work and not much else.
Sunday AM Mason soccer game; then ferry home.
Monday not much done; Tuesday last minute preps for Dan’s
departure tomorrow for Coast Guard Academy 50yr Reunion for his Class of 1974. Wednesday,16OCT 4AM Dan heads o SeaTac for
direct flight to JFK. At JFK picks up
rental car and heads to New London, CT. 2
and half hour dive takes five hours☹ Finally at hotel to
unwind and sleep.
Graduating Classes from Military Academies routinely have five
year reunions after they graduate. One
Classmates makes all arrangement for each homecoming. Some times there are fewer attendees than at
others. The Class of 74 had 200
graduates, but last four reunions had more than 70 graduates attend.
But for the 50 year classes the CG and Alumni Association pulls
out all the stops. In addition to the
“normal” homecoming events the Alumni Association has special events on Thurs
and Friday. So instead of two day event,
it is a four day event for the 50 year reunion Class (ie our Class graduated in 1974).
Thursday, 17OCT, first official day of 50 year reunion Dan gets up early and site-sees around old haunts in New London. Stopping for Lobster Roll at Capt Scotts in the industrial waterfront of of New London. Turns out several Classmates and wives had some idea.
Then off to main reunion hotel Mystic (Marriott) to get special SWAG for this reunion.
Then meet our best friends Jim and Clarke Van Sice at Bills Seafood in Waterford, CT, for excellent seafood dinner. Then at7PM is no host cocktail at Marriott that goes till 10PM.
Last thing Dan is duty Driver for diehards wanting last call at Birdseye Tavern (dive bar we frequented back 1973/74).
Friday full day of continuous events/activity starting with lunch with Cadets.
Then Class of 74 Memorial Service at Chapel to recognize those that have crossed the bar since graduation.
Class 74 Reception at Alumni Center sponsored by the Alumni Assoc.
Review of the Corps; as a Cadet Dan has marched in dozen of these; this was first one he viewed as a spectator. Very impressive and great weather! Much better to be a spectator🙃!!!
Then there was special ceremony just for our Class where the Commandant of the Coast Guard (Admiral Fagin) presented each attendee with a special 50 year medallion. Adding special meaning to the ceremony was the presence of the current Cadets.
And then back to Mystic Marriott for a No Host Cocktail. Then to bed!!
Saturday little later start in AM, Dan heads to CGA for a little site seeing. First official function is Class Tailgate at Alumni Center at 1030, again sponsored by the Alumni Association.
Then all our Classmates in attendance walk-on as a Class to the Football field. The 50 year Class stands on the 50 yard line and receives special recognition.
Then Cadet football game at 1300. Honoree for the coin toss was Classmate Len Kelly (offensive star and team co-captain Sr Year).
And back to hotel to get ready for dinner dance. Whew!!!
Sunday AM, 20OCT, off to Classmate Will Henrickson’s farewell
brunch at his beautiful restored house.
Will has been doing this out of his own pocket for last three reunions
(and refuses any contributions)! Unfortunately
his wife, Jackie, passed recently passed away from cancer and was missed by all.
From her tragic passing came a silver lining. This allowed their daughter and husband and their eight kids to live in the upper floors of the large house. Meanwhile Will bought the property next door with small house and garage/shop next door. Allowing him to stay connected to the beautiful house that he and ??? restored. While being available for grandpa duties and keep working on restoring classic Triumph cars.
Then Dan spent five hours fighting traffic to NYC and one night in
hotel, at Jamaica, NY; chicken and waffle for dinner. This allows Dan more sleep before catching
return flight home tomorrow.
Early Monday AM, 21OCT Dan checks out of hotel and heads to JFK
to fly home. Dan returns home to Seattle
rain, Corrie, and dogs. Then finds out
he left his CPAP machine in NYC hotel☹ Tuesday sun returns, Dan works on getting
CPAP machine shipped back to him via UPS.
Friday (Corrie’s b-day) AM has one month post TVAR follow-up
with cardio doctor. TVAR good but pace
maker analysis needed by specialist to determine if pacemaker needed. Then off to Rebecca’s. We have b-day dinner at Trappers Sushi while
everyone else at the Jui Jitsu Halloween party.
CPAP back😊
Saturday AM Rebecca and Jaxson head to his soccer game on Whidbey Island which means catching Port Townsend ferry to the island. At lunch we take Mason to his soccer game nearby. Finish day with family pasta dinner and not much done.
Sunday AM, 27OCT, we all head to Oak Table for belated birthday breakfast for Corrie. After a great breakfast back to the house to get the dogs, load the truck, and catch a ferry home.
The Oak
Table Cafe | Silverdale, WA
Halloween day Dan has physical therapy for numb arm. PT on arm shows nothing wrong, so therapist not sure what to do and will ask nerve doctor what now?