grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, February 28, 2025

01-28FEB25 - Sultan, WA (sad farewell & syncope medical event🚑)

Saturday, first day of February, devoted to grandson’s (Jaxson and Mason) soccer games.  First up is Jaxson’s in Bremerton, Dan drives around south Puget Sound to soccer field.  Turns out opposing team “forgot” they were in playoff game!!!  So Dan returns home and gets Corrie and they drive to Mason’s game; this time opposing team shows up; then home.

Sunday about 10AM light, wet snow starts falling and looks like it might continue.  Seattle area still remembers snow armageddon from couple years ago; and record area freeze for days last year.  So local news has been devoting large portion of their broadcasts to being prepared.  Plus live reports from highway passes even when roads clear.  Snow picks up and leaves over inch of wet snow on ground/decks.  But since temps are in high 40’s snow immediately melts and is 90% gone by dinner.  Now hoping wet surfaces don’t turn to ice overnight.

Monday wake-up to one inch of snow on ground/decks that fell overnight; most of it melts by lunch.  Snows off and on thru day in other parts of local area.  And as usual, Seattle area overreacts; Dan clears large deck of snow.

Tuesday wake-up to another 1-1/2 inch of new snow and now sub-freezing temp.  Snow starts to melt but temps drop and prevents full melting; Dan removes half the snow from large deck.

Wednesday, 05FEB, wake up to 3 inches of snow, and now because freeing night temps, ice under most of it    Dan shovels entire big deck.  Now weather person is saying more snow tonight and maybe heaviest yet?  Of course light drizzle starts after Dan shovels, ensuring that deck will have thin coat of ice when temps drop.

Thursday again wake-up to two inches of new snow on deck and ground.  This time Dan just shovels bare minimum to have walkways on deck and in yard cleared. Dan gets eye test at Fred Meyers.  He already knows near vision pretty bad and always carries costco reading glasses.  Pays extra for state of the art pics of retinas, and orders photogray sunglasses with reading bifocal.

Friday no new snow but snow and decks that were “wet” yesterday are now frozen.  So Dan clears rest of big deck and hopes no more new stuff.  Plus sub-freezing temps tonite will make everything icy

Saturday morning wake up to 1/2 inch of wet snow on decks and ground; temp in mid 30’s.  Dan removes all snow from large and small deck.  Fingers crossed on no more snow for a few days

Super Bowl Sunday wake up to half inch of wet snow on both decks, but temps already mid 30’s and rising.  Takes Dan less than 20 minutes to finish the shoveling job and temps stay in low 40’s all day.  Then we waste four hours sorta watching super bowl.

Medical Backstory for what follows:  In last month’s BLOG you’ll remember on 06JAN, Dan had a pacemaker/defibrillator installed to “improve” his cardio health.  This resulted in a noticeable improvement in stamina and sounder sleep.  But within a week Dan noticed brief occurrences of what he called light headedness.  These occurred randomly about once a day and only lasted seconds.  Dan reported this to cardio people back in January, they checked his pacemaker, and nothing found.  So Dan started keeping daily log of events and passed info to Primary Care and Cardiologist.

Now to continue the Medical Story:   Monday, 10FEB, no new snow until just before dinner, then we get light, light dusting.  Dan once again starts clearing the deck.  Around 1620, Dan experiences an episode of syncope (sudden loss of consciousness).

One minute he is fully cognizant, and then complete black-out (no hearing, no seeing, no feeling, no nothing).  Not sure how long he was out but probably seconds.  Takes a few seconds but Dan realizes he has fallen two feet off the deck and needs to access his cell phone and call Corrie in the house for HELP!  Ignoring the now evident pain, he moves and gets his phone and calls Corrie.

So off to the ER right – NOT!  Decision is to take a couple of tylenol max, have dinner and go to bed.  Dan does call primary care and they set up tele-medicine for Tuesday AM.  First thing Tuesday Dan heads to dentist for routine dental and then to Freddy Meyers for light shopping.  He goes home and Primary Care calls and says get to ER now.

Off to ER in Monroe; many imaging test done,showing 10 ribs (5 per side) fractured and T2 vertebrae compressed.  ER recommendation is Dan has to be monitored throughout night because of heart issues and unknown cause of syncope.  Decision then made to transfer to bigger Kirkland hospital/facility that has cardio team during night.  Three hour wait for ambulance and Dan goes into ICU room at Kirkland Evergreen.  Why is ICU needed? – Not because of injuries, but because of unknown syncope cause!

Wednesday, 12FEB. starts with continuous string of doctors and nurses from different departments trying to pinpoint syncope cause.  While undergoing an EEG in ICU room Dan has a “light headed spell” --- alarms go off on the vital signs monitor, people come running.  Turns out Dan heart has skipped 8 heart beats (can you say flat line?)  Her us the cardio chart kept at the nurse's station.

Corrie shows up after event and we talk to couple of staff doctors about possible solutions.  Pacemaker tech rep shows up; this is unique event for this pacemaker; and one possible cure is re-setting pacemaker.  Re-tuning is done by head Doctor for Cardio “electrical” issues and device manufacturer tech rep.  Pacemaker fine tuned and now we wait.

Decision is made that Dan is no longer critical risk and he is moved to the PCU ward for people just out of ICU.  Transition from ICU staff to night shift of new ward has few hiccups.

Thursday boring routine day at hospital, Corrie visits for latest word but doctor still making rounds and she has to leave to take care of dogs.  At dinner time Dan learns that he again moving to another room.  Apparently the criteria is - patients that they feel need immediate attention, followed by constant monitoring go to ICU room.  PCU is for people leaving ICU but needing constant medical monitoring and less nurse visits.

So now Dan moves rooms once again to the last stop where patients close to discharge needing minimum medical monitoring and a few scheduled visits by nurse.  So Dan shuts down laptop and packs up everything and sits for three hours doing nothing but waiting to move rooms.  Lights in new room bathroom burnt out

Valentine Day in the general ward waiting for a determination if he will discharge today.  Lights fixed in bathroom, discharged early dinner time and home.

Saturday/Sunday just recovering, pain level in left lower back has increased since leaving Kirkland Evergreen.  Dan spends most of time digging thru pages and pages of My Chart computer entries about recent ER and hospital visit

Monday (Presidents Day) Dan starts making appointments to the all the medical referrals contained in his hospital discharge papers he received last Friday.  Then gets blood draws for more medical testing.

18FEB2025 – Today was a very sad day in our lives. Our dog Bella had to leave us on her last journey. Bella was showing her age for awhile, but had rapidly declined thru January.  So we had made her final arrangements right before Dan's medical event.  Bella was an eight year old Jack Russell Terrier we rescued Labor Day Weekend 2018. She was used for breeding pups, and the kennel owner no longer needed her. So we drove to Rainer, WA, and rescued her. And also came back with one year old Jack Russell named Rocket Man. As you can see from the 2018 picture Bella was perfectly groomed as if prepared for dog show. As you see from other pics; we went with the au-natural look.

We have no idea how she was treated at the kennel. But she would not stay in a room with anyone else in it. She would leave and usually go to Corrie’s bathroom and lay down (sometimes in the dry walk-in shower). Took her almost two years to stay with us in TV room. Longer time to jump up and join you on a chair (always Corrie never Dan). Her favorite spot was outside while Corrie gardened, laying in the sun. May she have endless days laying in the sun, on her last journey.

Wednesday we are off to cardio specialist at Evergreen Kirkland to discuss Dan’s recent syncope event; then in afternoon Dan has appointment at NW Allergy about latest angioedema event September 2024.

Thursday Dan has cardio appointment late AM about 30 day pacemaker check.  Corrie takes truck for errands and repair of front window chip on truck for “free” insurance repair scheduled for after lunch; turns out Dan had better deal.  Because Corrie had repair done early and left, then Dan got phone message about window tech left their cell phone in truck.

Since Dan was dealing with cardio issue from recent ER/ICU visit he couldn’t help.  Cardio visit got extended as technician passed latest info to physician who installed pacemaker/defib.  End result was order for more xrays and first available appointment with the doctor (Wednesday next week).

Friday AM Dan off to Primary Care for follow-up on previous visit, but most of this visit spent as follow-up to Dan’s recent hospital stay.  And to schedule future visit to address low platelet count observed in hospital.

Saturday, 22FEB, not much done other than some house preps for son Joe and family visit next week from Houma, LA.  Sunday Corrie takes a break and heads to Pitre’s in Silverdale; plan is to have lunch with Rebecca to discuss Joe and family impending visit and relax.  Haven’t seen bobcat on property for years, but one visited today.

Monday Dan review mountain of paperwork generated by recent syncope hospital stay.  And spends hours trying to get telephone help to make printer work; end result is Epson say return printer  Wednesday Dan has medical with cardio Dr Garwhal at WWMG.  Corrie continues to cleaning house and prep,ing for Joe and family visit starting Friday.  Plan is on Friday we go to BnB in Ashford, WA; immediately adjacent to Rainier National Park.  Joe and family fly into SeaTac airport meet-up with Rebecca and family and they all drive to BnB.

Friday (last day of February) finish packing truck and head to Ashford, WA.  Thirty minute delay getting thru south Puyallup Plan is we open Creekside Cabin BnB and set up camp; we get to front door right at 4PM, door unlocks and we empty truck.  Rebecca brings all the luggage for her family along with Roux their dog about one hour later.  She unloads her SUV and hits road back to SeaTac to pick up Joe, Bethany, and granddaughter Coraline.  Separately Raymond will pick-up grandboys (Jaxson & Mason) after school and come straight to BnB.

Friday, January 31, 2025

01-31JAN25 - Sultan, WA


Wednesday, first day of 2025, finish clean-up of leftover snackies from our wild celebration night before.  Cold, gray, dismal, typical PNW winter day, not much done.

Saturday AM (Grandson Jaxson’s birthday 04JAN, now a teenager)


Dan heads to Pitre’s in Silverdale.  Several reasons for trip: see kids and grandkids – Jaxson’s b-day - Dan to have coffee with CG Classmate/friend while there, and to watch Jaxson’s soccer game.  Then head home.

Sunday, 05JAN not much done; review preop instructions and make preps for Dan’s pacemaker/defib procedure tomorrow.  If you remember Dan EF heart measure had dropped significantly.  Requiring the installation of a man-made aorta valve in September.  Dan’s EF improved but not to cardio doctor’s liking.  So next step is a Pacemaker combined with a Defibrillator.

Monday AM we head to Providence Hospital for next invasive cardio procedure for Dan (cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D) system).  Turns out that Dan’s improved heart condition from new aorta valve in September was not “good enough”.  So cardio doctor had Dan wear heart monitor for one week.  Then monitor was mailed to manufacturer for analysis.  Based on analysis, cardio doctor decided combination pacemaker/DeFib was the way to go.

So we arrived at 1030 for 1:30pm procedure as instructed.  Turns out the entire OR schedule for the day was already three hours behind because first patient of the day was three hours late!  Dan was already prepped and had IV ports inserted, so he stayed on gurney waiting.   End result was not getting home until 9PM.  Tuesday Dan feels pretty good after yesterday’s procedure; not much done.  Wednesday and Thursday continues recovery.

Friday AM Dan sets up appointment with neuro doctor to go over MRI’s taken last Friday.  Neuro doctor wants to see if they shed light on Dan's "numb" upper left arm since Oct?  Appointment nurse says nothing open till late March.  But there is one opening at 4PM today if Dan can make it? We make it and turns out doctor really wanted to see Dan after EMG cervical/nerve test (scheduled for early March) is done to determine left arm problem.  No cost visit; dinner at Ivar’s Clams.

Saturday at lunch time we head to soccer field in Everett for grandson Jaxson’s soccer game.  Daddy Raymond was there and it turns out this is part of a tournament (they will play other teams each weekend for a month).  Game ends in a tie; then off to Chick-fil-Let for late lunch.  We head home and Raymond/Jaxson head home to Silverdale.

Sunday, 12JAN, not much done, Dan starts working on 2024 taxes.  Monday AM off to cardio clinic to have pacemaker/defib device checked out.  As usual with Dan’s military training we get there 45 minutes early🙃  But that was a good thing because they took him right away and we got out of there before our scheduled arrival time.

Saturday, 18JAN, 1200 soccer game for Jaxson at Roosevelt HS field in Seattle (meet Rebecca & Mason there).  After game late lunch at Mod Pizza for all of us, before we head home.

Saturday, 25JAN, early AM Dan drives to Bremerton for grandson Mason’s soccer game; Rebecca there also.  Husband Raymond and other grandson Jaxson at home awaiting arrival of new sofa and love seat.  After game Dan heads Pitre’s for quick visit and free lunch😊

Then catches ferry home; beautiful weather and great views of Mt Baker, Mt Tahoma, Olympics and Cascades on the ride.

Thursday, 30JAN, sunny, cold weather finally ends and light rain by late evening.  Dan has another CG Academy Class 74 luncheon at BJs Brewhouse in Tukwila.  Seated lower left around to lower right - Petersen, Brantner, Gault, Jeff Garrett, Weston, Harvey, Formisano, MacKenzie, Millan, D.Ryan, Mercier, Burke.

Friday (last day of January), rain throughout night and into morning; Corrie runs lots of errands; forecast is maybe snow on Sunday/Monday?

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

01-31DEC2024 - Sultan, WA (🎄merry xmas & happy new year🎆)

Sunday first day of December nice weather.  Most of December turns out to be one weather front after another passing thru.   With rain and winds (but not as bad as bomb-cyclone 18NOV).

Thursday, 05DEC, Dan has Class 74 lunch gathering with Coast Guard Academy classmates at Buffalo Wild Wings, great time.  Last gathering Dan was at, was 22JUN.  Another great time🙃  Friday not much done; Corrie runs errands and Dan takes Fiesta for new tires and alignment.  One tire had puncture and couldn’t be repaired.  Tires had 40K miles, so all four replaced.

Saturday AM, 07DEC, in torrential rain Dan drives thru Tacoma to Pitre’s house in Silverdale, WA.  Two reasons for this is to retrieve some things left at the house after Thanksgiving and to watch Mason’s soccer game at noon.  Thankfully rain lets up during drive and fair weather for game.  Then back to their house and start drive to ferry in Kingston.  Luckily Dan among last few cars loaded and no waiting in line.  Finally home, and more rain throughout rest of day.

Monday great mountain view of the Cascades to the east of us!

Saturday, 14DEC, Corrie continues Xmas decorating.  Sunday, Corrie finishes interior Xmas decorating for house (no outside lights this year).

Wednesday, 18DEC, apparently late last night high winds and deluge of rain passed thru.  Causing local people on the road to pull over into nearest parking lot.  Corrie gets new Costco hearing aids and Dan runs errands getting dog meds from vet.

Thursday AM (43 Anniversary) very early Dan off to neuro surgeon about “possible” stroke discovered during Dan’s ER visit when Dan discovered “numb” upper left arm.  Neuro looked at MRI from the ER visit and opined that it was pretty weak to make a stroke call on.  Plus there are no symptoms on the right side of body?  To be safe he will get two more MRI’s (one w/o contrast and one with) at another facility and make his determination(s) based on those. That afternoon Dan has annual required medicare checkup at primary care.  Meanwhile Corrie has girls’ day out with Jan Formisano; they head into Seattle to visit National Nordic Museum.  That evening our anniversary dinner at Sushi Spott, new restaurant in Monroe.

National Nordic Museum | Go on a Nordic Journey Across 12,000 Years

Saturday, 21DEC, off and on rain; Corrie starts cooking Xmas dinner items for taking to Pitre’s.  Sunday more preps for Xmas at Pitre’s.  Monday AM load up truck with Xmas gifts, food, dogs, etc, and head to Pitre’s for Xmas.  No ferry lines and normal time for drive🙃

Tuesday (xmas eve) last minute shopping and preparations for Xmas; great lunch/dinner of home cooked burria.  Then decorating cookies for santa and building gingerbread house.  Followed by few games of cribbage before bed.

Xmas day and first thing done after everyone up, is to open all the presents.  Then Rebecca makes her traditional Xmas French toast for breakfast.

Rest of day spent by Rebbecca and Corrie preparing delicious dinner of turkey breast, ham, many sides. After dinner a few games cribbage.

Thursday - Great sunny day so off to Hiking Trails by Klahowya school.  Boys take off on their bikes and adults slowly walk behind.  After some time, it is obvious that boys are “late” returning.  Of course no cell phone reception here.  Turns out Mason had a flat and the boys were walking their bikes back.  Then to Seabeck community center to play pickle ball with new rackets.  For dinner we met Rebecca/Raymond’s friends Johnny and Sebastian for dinner at Olive Garden.

Friday AM, 27DEC, breakfast, load up truck, catch ferry and head home to our house in typical Seattle winter rain.  Monday, 30DEC take our rescued jack russell terrier Bella to the vet for wellness check.  Sadly it is very obvious she is in the end stage of life.  Physically and mentally ok, but signs of decline evident.

Tuesday (New Years Eve day) last day of December.  As is our new usual our New Years eve celebration - consists of munchie on various snackies and watching TV to bring in the new year.  Followed by an early evening bedtime and hoping we can sleep thru neighborhood fireworks