grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Sunday, October 15, 2023

07-14OCT23 - Houma, LA via Kinder (grand daughter coraline is 4 yrs old🎂🎁)

Saturday, 07OCT, on the road to get out of Texas and hopefully into Louisiana.  Seven hours on the road to a RV spot at Coushatta Casino in Kinder, LA, last visited maybe in March 2013.  RV park still reasonably priced but restrooms really need major reno’s.  Dinner and some games of chance at the casino, where Corrie did very well😊

The Ryan RV Express: 06-11MAR13 - Kerrville, TX (via kinder, la, & livingston, tx)

Sunday AM late morning into our old home town of Houma, LA.  First stop is a second house that son Joe & wife Bethany own and are remodeling.  Unfortunately driveway too short and steep for our RV; off to the Houma civic center parking lot where we have “camped” many times since owning RVs.  Corrie runs errands, and then we are off to Joe & Bethany primary house for dinner with Bethany, granddaughter Coraline, step grandson Noah (Joe working offshore until tomorrow).  Back to the RV.

Monday, 09OCT, not much done most of the day; Corrie runs errands & Dan does minor maintenance on RV.  Afternoon off to see Bethany after work.  Dinner was from Mr Po-Boy (over two decades ago, a small hole-in-the-wall on east side of Houma, now two locations in brand new buildings on both sides of Houma).  Muffaletta for Dan, roast beef po-boy dressed for others; then back to RV.

Home (

Tuesday Joe gets home around lunch from offshore job.  So mid-afternoon we move RV from Houma Civic Center to Bethany and his driveway.  After things settle Joe helps Dan with some minor RV repairs; and that evening is family take out dinner from Rotolos.

Wednesday (granddaughter Coraline’s 4th b-day) off/on rain with gusting winds makes things very cold; Joe helps (really does all the work) on modifying our Toad.  Corrie runs errands and then makes potato soup and fried rice for everyone.

Thursday Dan met up with CG Academy classmate Ron Borison for reminiscing and lunch.  They last did this four years ago when we were here for grand daughter Coraline’s birth.  After couple of hours telling sea stories (aka lying); lunch at Abear’s (small, local, hidden café with excellent simple cajun food).

ABEAR'S CAFE - Cajun Restaurant in Houma (

During the day son Joe was bayou fishing with some of the in laws and came home with couple of bull reds and dozens of trout.  Apparently tomorrow there will be a big family fish fry hosted by the Chiasson in-laws?

The Ryan RV Express: 29OCT-05NOV19 - Houma, LA

Friday, AM Joe & Dan work on Fiesta.  Then take off on three hour drive to pick up used car Joe bought for step-daughter.  Then back to the house and the off to the in laws (Tee & June) for fish fry of the fish caught yesterday.  Excellent food and time with many of the Chiasson in-laws.

Saturday, 14OCT, started out with final preps for Coraline’s postponed family b-day party at 1PM (mostly Chiasson family and close friends).  As always in the land of cajuns, too much food (all of it excellent!  BBQ hotogs, boudan, and chicken along with baked fresh fish, and many, many appetizers; great family day.

Rest of day spent trying to recover and prep RV for tomorrow’s departure.  It appears that grandson’s (Jaxson and Mason) are learning to fish from dad (Raymond) recently?

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