grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

22-31OCT23 - Sultan, WAπŸŽƒ

Sunday, 22OCT, was not a day of restπŸ™ƒ  Very early start after fueling up with Oregon cheap diesel.  Next and last cheap diesel will be in Wapato, WA, at Wolf Den fuel & smoke shop.  Then finally home; unpack only the essentials, before ordering take out dinner.  Grass is over a foot tall and wet, but heavy rain is forecasted for next five days; so Dan does his best with small Craftsman push mower.  Meanwhile the Pitres were out fishing.

Monday Corrie runs errands; Dan uses ride’m mower for part of front yard; we move tractor out of shop/RV garage and moves RV in.  Tuesday spent mostly doing chores & errands.  Dan makes appointments to service the truck, and have repairs made to four items we discovered on RV during recent trip.  Appears RV facilities are still dealing with labor shortages from covid and appointments are booked months out

Wednesday (Corrie’s b-day'🎈); Corrie spends most of day running errands & medical; Dan continues putting RV away and pumping sewage.  Then off to Main & Lewis Restaurant for so/so b-day dinner.  Thursday AM Dan takes truck into chevy dealer for routine maintenance; of course they recommended something else (replace rear brake discs and rotors).  Not too long ago Dan would have said no thanks and done it himself.  Now at this age, time is more important than money; and Dan says go ahead.  Corrie takes Rocket in for routine vet visit.  That afternoon Dan mows some more while the sun is out.  Friday, 27OCT, Corrie has girl’s day out with Jan Formisano; Dan runs errands; extremely cold night.  

Saturday late AM we head to grandsons Jaxson’s soccer game in Bothell.  We will meet daughter Rebecca there.  Meanwhile son-in-law Raymond will be with grandson Mason’s soccer game in Bremerton.

After game we all head to their house in Silverdale.  Then get in one car and head to Red Lobster for belated b-day dinner for Oma Corrie.  Then back to their house for b-day cake and few games of cribbage.

Sunday, 29OCT, slow start and donuts for breakfast; then off to Trident Sub Base in Bangor to do some fishing on military rec area ponds.  Cold but beautiful weather; everyone fishes but Dan who was happy to just sit in the sun and watch.  All fish caught were released.  Then back to their house to pack truck and head home.  Only one WA Ferry running on Kingston/Edmonds, so we drive around Puget Sound thru Tacoma and home.

Monday and Tuesday (HalloweenπŸŽƒ) great fall weather; not much done other than a little more mowing by Dan.

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