grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, March 15, 2013

06-11MAR13 - Kerrville, TX (via kinder, la, & livingston, tx)

Wednesday morning, 06MAR, we hit the road toward the Pacific Northwest, with our first stop at the Coushatta Casino in Kinder, LA. This casino has a very nice & very inexpensive RV facility that we have stayed at many times over the years (see below BLOG for our first visit to the casino). We had planned on their all you can eat crawfish buffet, but the line was ridiculously long & we skipped it.

Thursday we had planned on continue driving westward but an issue came up that required us to return to Houma, LA, as soon as possible. Rather then driving the RV all the way back to Houma; we jumped in the Toad & made a round trip drive, getting back to the RV in Kinder, LA, just in time for dinner.

Friday morning we made an early drive to Escapees Rainbows End RV Park in Livingston, TX. Readers of our BLOG will recognize Escapees as a RV club that we belong to that provides many services to fulltime RV’ers. Being members & making a yearly visit to Livingston allows us to maintain Texas driver’s licenses & have our vehicles registered in Texas. But this means we need to return every spring to get our vehicles safety inspected; which we did that afternoon after setting up camp.

Saturday, 09MAR, was a long drive to Kerrville, TX, to visit with Dan’s sister Sharon & husband Tim Tompkins. As we have traveled to the Pacific NW, or traveled back from there, we try to swing by Tim & Sharon’s to visit. As you can see from the below BLOG entry, our last visit was almost exactly five months ago. After we set up camp & we headed to their house for great a BBQ dinner & reminiscing.

Sunday we all met at Luckenbach, TX, (where everybody is somebody) to listen live, free music by Mike Stinson, followed by Sons of Fathers in the Luckenbach dance hall. It was a cold, sunny day, which cut down on the number of bikers attending. After a great time we all met again later that evening for another dinner at Sharon & Tim’s & more reminiscing.

Monday, 11MAR, was spent doing not much of anything in Kerrville, just recovering from the last week on the road. Our plan for the evening was to take Tim & Sharon to dinner in Kerrville. Unfortunately Tim became ill, & we treated just Sharon to dinner at Yeo-Bos Korean (very good). During one of our previous visits, Sharon was ill on the last day of our visit & we had dinner with Tim alone. Maybe next time everyone will remain healthy:)?

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