grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, October 30, 2009

27-29OCT09 - Gaffney, SC

After saying good-bye to our friends the Guldenschuhs we decided to head to the Freightliner service facility in Gaffney, SC, which is also the location of their Freightliner Custom Coach Chassis manufacturing plant. We had small leak in dash heater core & wanted the service that was done in Mt Vernon, WA, checked out (see our 01SEP BLOG about how bad that servicing was & why we wanted it checked).

Enroute we decided to stop at “Harrys Grill & Piggys Ice” in Hendersonville, NC. There's a cluster of advertising statues -- including a bunch of cows, some pink elephants, an Esso tiger, two Shoney's Big Boys, a chef holding a burger, and Yogi Bear and Boo Boo. The statues have been accumulating there since 1980, when the ice cream store (then just known as Piggy's Ice) first opened. There's more inside, including a Colonel Sanders statue, a Ronald McDonald, and lots of vintage signs, as well as a full-size Hooterville Jail. And the food was pretty good.

We made it to Gaffney mid-afternoon and checked into the service facility. This facility only handles “custom” Freightliner chassis; which means no semi-trucks, only RVs, school busses & delivery trucks. It appears that over 90% of their business is RVs, many of them heading south for the winter. Since we didn’t have an appointment, they worked on our “problems” off and on for 2-1/2 days. But they wouldn’t fix the heater leak because that was added by RV manufacturer after the chassis was delivered.

Wednesday morning, to kill time, we took the factory tour at the plant three miles down the road. This Freightliner plant only makes “custom” chassis (ie busses, RVs & delivery trucks), not standard semis. Before the economic melt down they were producing twenty RV chassis a shift, and then fell to two a day! Things are picking up and they have rehired 200 workers of the 500 they laid-off.

Next we went for walkabout in Gaffney. The town was pretty quiet, and it appears its big claim to fame is its water tower painted like a giant peach (locally called the Peachoid). During our walkabout we discovered Harold’s Grill (as discovered by Guy Fieri of Food TV). We did not see the episode on Food TV, but apparently Harold’s is known for their chili dogs, and chili burger (not chili on a burger, more like a sloppy Joe). They also have a long list of cheap sandwiches starting at $.99, but most are in the $1.25-1.50 range. They even have one that is made with bacon & egg spread! Corrie went with the Buffalo wings special; and Dan went with the chili hot dog & chili burger (all very good). Eventually the owner came over and began describing some of the “southern” items we were unfamiliar with and even gave us free samples, like fat back (a very salty cross between bacon & pig skins), and chow chow (a local relish). Corrie liked the chow chow, so we bought a quart jar, but passed on the fat back.

Thursday afternoon, 29OCT, they finally finished on our RV, but we decided to wait until Friday morning before getting back on the road. Since they wouldn’t fix the heater, we will head to Red Bay, AL, and the Tiffin RV factory to hopefully get it done?

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