grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

12-15OCT09 - Annapolis, MD (via brodheadsville, pa)

After recovering from Dan’s 35th college reunion we took two days to drive to our next destination in Annapolis, MD, via Brodheadsville, PA. If you read our BLOG about the reunion, you know about Dan’s best friend, Jim Van Sice. During the reunion Jim invited us to come on down and visit, and he assured us that his driveway was big enough for the RV. So Tuesday, 13OCT, afternoon we arrived to visit (ie freeload) with Jim, his wife Clarke, and daughter Catherine. Although the driveway was big enough for our RV, the roads leading into the neighborhood were definitely a challenge!
Once we had set up camp Jim suggested that he and Dan cross the Chesapeake Bay to check out the “Tiki Bars” on Kent Island. There were two reasons for the “rush”; one the rains were headed our way and the Tiki bars have mostly outdoor seating, and two they would soon be closing for the season. Thankfully the rains held off, and Dan can see why these faux Polynesian establishments right on the water, would be mobbed during the boating season.

Wednesday was spent running errands and doing “nothing much”. On Thursday Jim & Dan went exploring in Baltimore, while Corrie & Clarke headed to the Navy Base. Dan wanted to check out “Chap’s Pit Beef” located on the Pulaski Highway in Baltimore. Although it was raining heavily, and even being located in an industrial section of town, the line was already out the door. The line moved quickly, and soon they had their sandwiches and were able to sit inside to enjoy excellent beef sandwiches.

When leaving Chaps Dan picked up one of those free newspapers that you run across in most big cities; upon opening it Dan immediately discovered that it was the first annual Beer Week in Baltimore! He also learned that one of the establishment participating was the Wharf Rat, a very old and unique establishment located in the Fell’s Point neighborhood of Baltimore. So naturally it was off to the Wharf Rat to participate in Beer Week. That evening we all headed into Annapolis for a walkabout and dinner.
Friday morning after a great breakfast it was time to get back on the road. Although the weather wasn’t the best, it is always great to visit old friends just telling sea stories & eating good stuff!

2 comments: said...

Dan and Corrie,
I am glad I found your blog again. When you get to the west, I can help you find the "jewels" in our area of the country (viewing giant sturgeon, Lewis @ Clark, salmon, etc.)

Corrie and Dan Ryan said...

Dick great to hear from you after reunion! wish we had more time to tell sea stories in New London. thanks for the offer & we may be in your neck of the woods summer of 2010. - corrie & dan