grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Saturday, October 31, 2020

22-31OCT20 - Sultan, WA (the passing of mike kiesel😥)

Thursday, 22OCT, Dan starts emptying & cleaning the RV before parking it in the garage. Corrie keeps working on the garden thru the rest of October – harvesting more jalapenos, kale & other fall crops.

Saturday Rebecca, Raymond & gkids come over to spend the night in celebration of Corrie’s b-day tomorrow.  Nice family dinner after they arrive, & hours gaming & reminiscing afterwards.  On Sunday we head to PFChangs for her b-day brunch.  After PFChangs we all head to our house, before the Pitres returned home.

Thursday AM, 29OCT, Dan jumps in the truck and heads to cousin Steve & wife Bonnie Kiesel’s to help w/Steve’s brother Mike Kiesel’s passing yesterdayL  Dan meets up w/Steve & Bonnie & assists with moving Mike’s possessions to Steve’s barn; taking other items to Habitat for Humanity; some cleaning; & garbage run to county transfer station.  Steve & Mike’s sister Eileen was also there to help.  A sad situation which was eased a little because Mike had made many preparations because of his weakened health condition.

Friday AM Dan helps Steve move the “big” stuff out of Mike’s apartment.  Then it was breakfast at Wild Huckleberry in Ellensburg with Steve & Bonnie before hitting the road back to the house.  One of the saddest side effects of Corona Virus is in dealing with the passage of loved ones, that there often will be no, or limited, memorial or “celebrations of life” for surviving family & friends because of social distancing.  So the month ended on a very sad note.

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