grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Monday, October 12, 2020

07-10OCT20 - Houma, LA (granddaughter's first birthday)

Wednesday, 07OCT, early & short drive to Houma, LA, 177 miles driven.  First stop is to fuel the RV in preparation for possible hurricane evacuation from Delta.  Having lived in Houma for over 10 years we “feel” it is safe to be in Houma because Hurricane Delta is weakening & turning west (unfortunately towards Lake Charles still recovering from Hurricane Laura).  Than it was off to Joe’s old house to help in final preps for selling it.  Then off to his new house to park RV & see “new” granddaughter Coraline; last seen early NOV2019.  We will make our last minute decision on Hurricane Delta evacuation tomorrow AM.

Thursday AM wake up & find out Delta is turning west (very bad news for Lake Charles, LA, still digging out from Hurricane Laura) & Houma will only experience tropical storm winds/rain.  If nothing changes we will not evacuate.  We continue to help Joe w/old house; Dan makes some minor repairs to RV; then off to the in-laws, Tee & June Chiasson, for BBQ rib dinner.

Friday, 09OCT, decide not to evacuate; pull in RV slide & park closer to house for wind protection.  Meanwhile we head to Joe’s old house & discover that bathroom cabinet purchased some time ago is wrong size!  So nothing to be done & head back to RV.  Corrie cooks stroganoff for dinner at Joe & Bethany’s new house, as rain bands start to come through.

Saturday we wake up to clear weather & no wind; move RV away from house & put slide back out.  Dan helps Joe take down some garbage trees out of new house yard, & then make garbage run to landfill.  Corrie helps Bethany prepare for Coraline’s b-day tomorrow.  Because of our concerns (mainly Dan’s) about Corona Virus exposure, we will be on the road tomorrow & not participating in the family celebrationL

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