grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Monday, December 12, 2016

29NOV-01DEC16 - Florida (various)

Tuesday, 29NOV, was a very short drive to Lazy Days RV, Seffner, FL, just outside Orlando, FL.  Lazy Days is the largest RV dealer in the world, & where we bought our RV in 2006.  Last FEB we decided to try using them for maintenance & minor repairs.  We were impressed w/the service received, & their prices.  So we are using them again.  After checking into their RV park we headed over to their sales area for our lunch that they provide daily to those receiving service (along w/breakfast).

Wednesday morning, 8AM, we drove the RV over to the Lazy Days service facility & checked in; then it was off to the cafeteria for “free” breakfast.  After breakfast we sat around in the customer lounge to wait & wait.  That evening we headed to Jim & Mary Spence’s for dinner, & more importantly to visit/reminisce (we last visited them during February’s visit to Lazy Days).  Since the service on the RV was not done, we spent the night in the RV in the service bay.

Thursday morning, 01DEC, it was back into the Lazy Days customer lounges while the RV servicing was completed.  Unexpectedly the servicing was done before lunch & we hit the road immediately.  We made great time but did not plan properly for an overnight RV park.  We ended up in Walmart parking lot, surrounded by no overnight parking signs.  Tomorrow back in Houma, LA!

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