grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Saturday, December 31, 2016

25-31DEC16 - Houma, LA (merry christmas & happy new year)

Xmas morning (25DEC) both grandkids were sent over to the RV to wake up Opa Dan.  As always the best part of Xmas is the kids opening their gifts.  This year there was some sadness because daddy Raymond & uncle Joe weren’t thereL  We won’t bother you by detailing all the gifts received; but we’ll say the electric John Deere tractor & trailer were the hit of the day.  Opa Dan is not sure why he got a "grinch" coffee cup?

As usual, Corrie & Rebecca served a delicious Xmas dinner.  After which the adults collapsed, but the kids kept going, & going, & going, .....  Dan had to stay up later that evening, since grandson Jaxson wanted to spend the night in the RV.

Saturday (31DEC, new year’s eve) we shot-off fireworks in the early evening in the backyard to beat the impending rain.  No one even made it close to midnight!!!


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