grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

01-30SEP15 - Sultan, WA

After settling back into the “routine” of owning a house, the month of September was filled with the usual:

-almost continuous gardening by Corrie; Dan’s never ending battle with invasive blackberry vines; mowing & more mowing
-Dan hiring a contractor to repair the RV garage door we damaged
-having AC/heating system, & water system serviced
-medical appointments
-Corrie exercising at the Y
-Dan volunteering at Habitat for Humanity
-watching the wildlife wandering thru the property - deer, coyotes, & the first sighting of a bobcat (with dinner in its mouth)!

-replacing the Toad’s front headlights which were pretty useless after our Alaska trip

-feeling our first earthquake in the Pacific NW (Corrie felt it, Dan didn’t).  Because of this we learned that almost all household insurance in the Pacific NW does not cover earthquake damage!!!  We immediately obtained coverage.
-adding more shelving & storage to Corrie’s garden shed
-adding more shelves, storage & a coat rack to house garage

But also as usual there were some things of special note:

Every year (usually around labor day) the closer neighbors (ie within walking distance) have an annual “pot luck” at Hans & Martha Dankers.  In the four years since our house was built, we have not been around for this event.  This year we were invited & attended on Sunday, 06SEP.  It was a very nice time; & finally meeting our neighbors, most of which have lived here for decades.  Turns out Hans immigrated from The Netherlands, & he enjoyed being able to speak in Dutch to Corrie.

We decided to have a Solar Array installed on the property; & went thru the process of getting competitive bids & hiring a contractor.  When we had the house built we looked into solar energy, but decided the “payback” period was too long (more than eleven years).  Now with Federal, State, County & Utility incentives the payback period should be six years or less.  The only glitch is that since we are near the end of the tax year, there is a backlog at the solar panel factory.  We are hoping that construction will be done in October, but no guarantee.

Saturday, 26SEP, we attended Dan’s niece Joleen Kiesel & Nathan Peever’s wedding.  Turns out that when they visited New Orleans & us 16FEB15, that Nathan proposed (see below BLOG link for their visit).  The wedding was a little different in that it had a “Dr Who” theme & was conducted by a Taoist Priest.  Dr Who is a British TV series that has run for over 40 years about a Time Lord (Dr Who) who travels thru space & time in a Tardis.  If you want to know more, google the internet.  And the character of Dr Who is replaced by new actor over the years.  Dan knowing a little about the show, bought a red Fez, red bow tie & red suspenders - items were associated with the eleventh Dr Who.  His effort to be part of “theme” were noted by all. 

Sunday, 27SEP, around lunch Dan’s brother Shawn & wife Cindie came by after their motorcycle Oyster Run to watch the Seahawk’s game, eat & visit.  Even though the Hawks lost it was a great time.

Lastly on Tuesday 29SEP, we had a short but excellent visit from Clarke Van Sice.  Clarke is a good friend married to Dan’s best friend from the Coast Guard Academy, Jim Van Sice.  We had last seen the both of them at the Coast Guard Academy class reunion October 2014.  Clarke was in Washington to assist their daughter in returning to her college in Olympia, WA.

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