grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, May 31, 2024

01-31MAY24 - Sultan, WA

Wednesday first day of May; good weather for work outside.  Thursday great weather; outside work and mowing.  Friday AM Corrie heads to medical and Dan heads to Rebecca’s to help with grandboys.  After arrival helps Rebecca to set up second raised garden bed.  Now all it needs is soil.

Saturday (May the Forth be with you), light rain not much done.  Rebecca had to ferry both boys to same two birthday parties and also help at one.  One party parents hire someone who had cargo trailer fitted out with multiple big screen HDTV’s.  These were connected to latest game consoles and owner had latest video game cartridges.  Boys picked various games, found spot to sit and play.  All parents had to do was provide food, drink and cake.  No mess to clean up in house.  Sunday AM on the road/ferry home; not much done.

Tuesday, 07MAY, rain in AM; Dan heads to primary care about right arm issue, then he heads to “eye” veterinarian for more eyedrops for Bella, Dan has follow-up look at “sore” right arm, MRI shows two minor tears and one rough area of shoulder joint.  Nothing clearly bad and no rush.  Will try for ortho consult.

Wednesday great weather; Dan takes our tractor driven woodchipper to local tractor dealer to try to sell it on consignment.  Then installs concrete weight on rear of 1953 Ferguson tractor and lists tractor on Craigs List and Facebook.

Friday, 10MAY, late AM off to UW Med for CTA TVAR Scan; fifteen minute procedure but 1/2 hour observation before and 1/2 hour after because of nitroglycerin use.  This test is to see if Dan’ aorta valve needs replacement and if there other unknown problems with aorta and surrounding heart.  Then home to load up dogs and luggage, then off to Rebecca’s.  Two hour trip takes four because we drive around because four hour wait for ferry.  We decided not to wait for next ferry.

Saturday AM ladies decide that what they really want for Mother’s Day tomorrow, today is Saturday.  Rest of today devoted to themselves.  So Dan watches the boys and dogs.  After the ladies return rest, of the day spent “working” in the yard and house.  Ladies finish second raised vegetable bed and planting starter plants.

Dan installs two small room AC’s, one in kitchen/family room and the other in the guest bedroom.  Then permanently installs a third AC they have had for years in the grandboys bedroom.

Sunday finish up some small details on AC units and raised garden; early afternoon two hour wait for ferry and then drive home.

Tuesday, 14MAY, in morning Dan heads to new cardio MD to go over Friday’s cardio medical test results.  Dan gets home has bite to eat and then mows; another great weather day.

Wednesday sees ortho doctor about nagging, slight pain in right upper right between shoulder and elbow.  Dan believes it is result of improperly lifting heavy suitcase some time ago taking pitre’s to SeaTac.  Recent MRI shows some minor rotator cuff damage, minor arthritis in shoulder joint due to old age; and a slight tear to muscle.  No need for surgery, but need to start PT exercises to improve situation.  Corrie takes off to grandboys.  Thursday wake up to off and on light rain; not much done; Corrie home in time for dinner.

Friday, 17MAY, afternoon Corrie heading back to Pitre’s to see Mason first and only track meet on Saturday.  He is on school track team for 100 meter and 1000 meters.  But at this age there is only one end of season event with other schools (more of a scrimmage?).  Then Corrie home early Saturday evening.

Tuesday 21MAY, heavy rain; Wednesday starts to dry out.  Thursday AM Dan catches Edmonds ferry to help Rebecca at the house and grandboys.  Dan rents small wood chipper from Home Depot and a small trailer to haul it on.  Chipper gas engine does not drive wheels so it is real chore to get up ramp into truck.  Dan sets it up in back yard to start chipping up all tree limb debris accumulated.

Dan “hires” grandson Jaxson at minimum wage ($15/hr).  Dan’s deal is $5 for pocket money, $5 for planned purchase, $5 for savings bond.  This allotment is a set distribution for each hour worked.  Jaxson thought this was great and didn’t want to stop after three hard hours.  Rebecca and Mason off to first practice of Mason’s new select soccer team.  Danny’s BBQ for take-out dinner.

Friday, 24May, light rain, Dan chips some more of the larger tree debris.  Then sorts and arranges smaller stuff.  Returns wood chipper to home depot.  Takes some of Rebecca’s larger cardboard recycling to navy base; pick up boys at jui jitsu and home for dinner.  Last task is to start getting ready for tomorrow’s departure.

Saturday AM Dan prepares truck for departure and then heads to realtor open house in local area.  Then to Kingston ferry and home.  After dinner guy shows up to check out tractor for sale; doesn’t go well and he says he will be back tomorrow?

Sunday early (6AM) Dan wakes up to strong rain and awaits someone driving for 2 hours to purchase gas powered lawn equipment.  Guy only wants one item (actually on 1/2 of troy built yard system, he already has power unit) but Dan says “all or nothing”.  Guy loads-up truck and then spends hour shooting the bull with Dan😊

Then late morning, guy from last night to inspect tractor shows up with truck and trailer.  Couple of more issues found on tractor.  Guy offers $1500, we settle for $2000.  Then flat tire discovered on trailer  Luckily Dan has tools and impact wrench to change tire (for free).

Monday (Memorial Day) no rain, cloudy; but grass dries enough for Dan to mow for three hours

Tuesday, 28MAY, after lunch Dan heads to primary care for follow-up to right shoulder MRI.  Decision is try couple sessions of PT and then see how that goes.  Then off to the medical lab for blood work for cardio doctor

Wednesday AM Corrie off on a girls’ day with Jan Formisano. After lunch Dan heads to hardware store to get new electronic door knob/lock for garage man door and then installs it.

Thursday AM Corrie runs errands; mid-morning Dan heads to Dave’s Famous BBQ in Tukwila, WA for mini-reunion of CGA Classmates that live withing driving distance of Seattle (of course some people drive from afar).  One special attendee was Gerry Donohoe & wife Kathy.  Who flew in from AK picked-up rental RV, stop for lunch with us and then hitting the road.  Great time had by all, last gathering

 was 28MAR2024.

Saturday beautiful day (last day of May); lots of outdoor chores by Corrie; while dan mows and mows, then sprays the rampant weeds taking over the driveway.  Rebecca sent us pics of her and grandboys hiking in Seattle sunshine:)!

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