grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Monday, October 31, 2022

01-31OCT22 Sultan, WA🎃

Saturday AM, 01OCT, Dan starts RV, attaches Toad & drives back home near Sultan, WA, from Omak, WA; no issues with Cabin Creek fire on US2.  Dan just misses October Fest parade in Leavenworth, which would have blocked road & added hours to the drive.  Gets home, says hi to Corrie & our dogs, starts another round of mowing.

Sunday AM we take truck to Rebecca & Raymond’s new house in Silverdale, WA (not to far from old house).  Old house was “ok”, but they realized the need for a four bedroom house.  So we help out by moving things from storage unit into house.  As well as assembling furniture & placing boxes in rooms to be unpacked later.  Then back home to recover from physical activity.

Saturday AM, 08OCT, off to Edmonds ferry to go to Rebecca & Raymond’s for Mason soccer game followed by belated birthday party for Mason.  Birthday was actually 24SEP but postponed due to soccer games.

Birthday party was once again at Defy.  Then back to their house to open presents.  Sunday AM back to Kingston ferry and home to find smoky haze from Bolt Creek Fire; not much done other than Dan mows.

Saturday 15OCT Dan catches Edmonds ferry to help Rebecca with kids (Jaxson & Mason) this weekend since hubby Raymond is drilling with Nat’l Guard unit for next two weeks.  Was going to take Jaxson to his soccer game in Woodinville but bad air quality from Bolt Creek fire cancels it; and at Mason’s soccer game at loeb field it is stopped in second half due to bad air.  Sunday AM Dan makes a few “electrical” repairs to the “new” house and heads to Kingston ferry & home to Corrie.

Tuesday AM, 18OCT, Dan has routine dental, but cavity discovered & a new crown will be needed later.  At home we have Morris Tractor finally leveling out our driveway where it definitely slopes to one side (causing problems when snow or ice on driveway.  Then Dan hits road to Pitre’s house to baby sit because grandson Jaxson is sick.

Wednesday Mason to stay home from school; but five minutes after Dan drops Jaxson off at school mom Rebecca has to pick him up & he is sent home.  Not much else done by Dan other than babysitting.  Dan does rearrange all the “stuff” in the garage so Rebecca can at least get one car into garage.  Thursday AM Dan heads home; after unpacking takes Fiesta in for four new tires; does little mowing after dinner.

Friday AM 21OCT we jump in the truck & head to Pitre’s to help with grandkids since dad, Raymond is still drilling with Nat’l Guard.  Find out Edmonds ferry dock is broken so we drive around.  Mason was picked as Pine Crest Elementary Panther of the month so we headed out for celebratory dinner at Silver City Brewery.

Saturday, 22OCT, before lunch we head off to local soccer complex where both grandsons have soccer games.  Then back to house, ladies go shopping, Dan works on clearing Raymonds work bench & straightening out tools for minor house repairs & hanging things on walls.

Sunday early we head back to our house just to drop our dogs off & head to Jaxson’s soccer game in Marysville, WA.  Then home to veg-out and takeout Sultan Thai for dinner.

Monday big change in the weather (summer finally over?) to cold & rain; although almost no rain or clouds for October, couldn’t really enjoy it due to smoke/bad air quality from Bolt Creek Fire Dan spends day at food bank

Tuesday (happy b-day Corrie) typical Seattle fall rainy/cold weather.  For Corrie’s b-day lunch we go to Andys Fish House in Snohomish.  Very good – not just fish & chips, but a very strong Pacific NW seafood menu

HOME | Andy's Fish House (

Wednesday AM Corrie heads over to Bremerton to watch the grandboys while Rebecca is at work.  Dan takes care of house & dogs for next four days.  Saturday, 29OCT, Dan goes to Bellevue to watch Mason’s soccer game.  Corrie & Rebecca watch Jaxson’s soccer game in Bremerton area; then Corrie catches Kingston ferry for drive home to Dan & dogs😊  Monday (Halloween - last day of OCT) Corrie has follow-up on last cataract eye op.

Other than a ton of grandkid sitting & soccer games the rest of the month was a routine of med/dental; food bank volunteer hours, mowing, etc.  Corrie continuous cleaning out veggie garden & never ending canning tomatoes everyday.  Bolt Creek Fire continuously produces bad air/smoke days preventing cleaning of solar array or even keeping cars clean.  And we even found a Fijian Soul Food truck in Monroe, Mai Kanaa food truck.

Mai Kanaa (

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