grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, August 12, 2022

07-11AUG22 - Various ND, MT, ID (and short visit with friends)

Sunday AM (07AUG) happy, happy, birthday to Dan!  Unexpectedly wake up later than planned & therefore on the road at least one hour “late”.  We drive straight south from Winnipeg to hit US border crossing on I-19.  No problems until “they” learn we are bringing back fruit that was bought in USA?  So we are pulled to the side for agriculture inspection.  Ag Inspector very pleasant & no big deal.

After many years of crossing the US/Canada border finally learn following from Ag Inspector for both Canada & USA crossings – no chicken what-so-ever, no eggs, no raw meats unless in sealed labeled store package, no fresh fruits or veggies, open cheese in packaging is ok but don’t completely remove manufacturer package.  And inspector also informed us that we should pre-check the web for the specific state and or province you are entering because there maybe local prohibitions based on specific crop(s) that grow in that area.

Weather and drive was pretty good but minor issues occurred that increased the frustration level.  First Dan missed the state highway we wanted to take to avoid having to drive on US2.  So we ended up on US2 from Fargo to Minot, ND.  Then we pulled into a Cenex for diesel at cash price and got charged the credit price because this we used the premium diesel pump not “regular”.  We argued that sign did not say there was three different diesels & our pump only had the premium, so how were we supposed to know?  Next frustration was the DEF alarm sounding!:(  Luckily first gas station we stop at has reasonable price for DEF.  Spend the night in Minot at Roughrider RV park where we stayed maybe 2019 (very nice park).

Monday AM back on road westward; decide to drive all the way to Miles City, MT, to put us closer to some friends we want to visit in Bozeman.  Constant side wind knocks our MPG from 12 to 11.  Pull into Miles City KOA (very nice & friendly).  They recommend Blackiron Grill for Dan’s belated birthday dinner.  Excellent! Especially the Cowboy Candy.

Black Iron Grill - Restaurant in Miles City, MT (

Tuesday back to I94 E and I90E to Bozeman to see a CG Academy Classmate of Dan’s (Brian Troth & wife Susan) who last saw in 2015 (see below internet link).  The RV park we chose had line of hi-end Newmar RVs waiting at gate for “small” gathering they had reserved for.  We got last spot with electricity only, no water; temps in high 90s, so any port in a storm.  To escape the heat we went out for dinner to Dave’s Sushi off Main - highly recommended.  Place was packed; & although not playing at a suitable loud volume, Dan could tell they were playing his favorite punk rock from the 70s!  One Twin Fin roll, one Xmas Showers Roll, & keffer lime ice cream for dessert; then back to RV & AC.  Unfortunately RV park is right on very active highway, traffic noise so loud we left AC on all night & did not open any windows even when the night air cooled.

The Ryan RV Express: 23-31AUG15 - Sultan, WA (via glendive, mt; bozeman, mt & post falls, id)

Dave's Sushi (

Wednesday morning finally connect with Brian Troth late & head to his ranch/farm on Gooch RD.  After setting up camp behind the barn, many hours were spent reminiscing (aka lying) between Brian & Dan.  While Corrie helped Susan in the garden.  The Troth’s graciously provided lunch & delicious dinner to add to an already great day.

Thursday, 11AUG, early AM breakfast with the Troth’s & back on to I-90E for last leg home to Sultan, WA; we decide to break it into two six-hour drives.  Today we get to Coeur d’Alene, ID; nice RV park that was a KOA now being renovate/spruced up by new owners.  On reservation phone they said no sewage (something we have run into twice before on this trip).  Dan assumed we could dump somewhere in park; no!!  Turns out recent heavy rains/flooding have destroyed entire septic field, so no dumping or public restrooms.

After our arrival, a 32 foot Class C (Coachmen Freelander 32BH) camped next to us.  Out poured five bearded young men; five young ladies & three babies – not sure but judging by their dress & women’s head wear – maybe amish or mennonite).  Plus one young man clearly not part of the group appears to be the driver of RV.

We turn on TV to find out severe thunderstorms/weather headed our way  RV park loses power but thanks to our solar panels, magnum inverter, & house batteries, we can run everything (except AC) w/o turning generator on.  Hopefully nothing else occurs tonight & we can finish our drive home tomorrow.

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