grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Thursday, December 31, 2020

01-31DEC20 - Sultan, WA (so-so holidays to end the year)

Because of the ongoing covid situation this December was very subdued compared to past holiday seasons.  Almost all public holiday activities were cancelled (or online only), but one nice thing was no fighting holiday shopping crowds.

So when we weren’t complying with the governors Stay Home, Stay Safe, order we made some short trips for medical, limited holiday decorations, Dan helping Habitat for Humanity with small house repairs, small projects around the shop & house; learning our son Joe had covid 19 (successful recovery); have our septic pumped & AC/heat serviced; one day of skiing for Dan; & snow on 21DEC.

Our limited big events even during pandemic were - Another reoccurrence of Dan’s angioedema & another trip to local emergency room for observation on 15DEC.  Celebrating our 39th anniversary with take out from one of the few restaurants open in Monroe even for take out.  Exchanging xmas gifts with Rebecca, Raymond & grandkids on the 24th in their driveway before driving back home.  Although we never make it to midnight on New Year Eve, our “celebration” this year was even more low-key.

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