grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, October 11, 2019

01-06OCT19 - Old Mystic, CT (45th coast guard academy reunion)

Tuesday, 01OCT, Corrie starting to feel better as the medicines kick in; not much done.  Wednesday Corrie keeps improving & we head out to Foxwoods Casino just down the road from us, for some games of chance & lunch.  Still unseasonably warm for fall in New England.

Thursday Corrie improves enough to run errands; temps 20 degrees cooler than yesterday.  Friday we meet Dan’s Coast Guard best friend Jim Van Sice & wife Clarke at Abbotts Lobster in the Rough, Noank, CT, for lunch.  It appears that Abbotts is resting on their laurels?  Lobster rolls were average at best, the food at their Costellos Clam Shack where we ate last Friday was better.  But it was an excellent visit & best of all – Van Sices paid for the lunchJ

As we stated in our previous BLOG the reason for this RV trip was another of Dan’s Coast Guard Academy five year reunions.  That evening we head to the first reunion event – a no host cocktail gathering (see below BLOG links for more details about academy class reunions we have attended).  Note, just in case you haven’t made the connection – the five year reunions are scheduled for Homecoming weekend at the Coast Guard Academy.  As always the hilite(s) of the evening was the telling of sea stories (aka lies) w/classmates you were just talking to five years agoJ

Saturday, 05OCT, Corrie takes a break & Dan heads to the Coast Guard Academy for class reunion daytime activities & homecoming football game:

Robert Shearer Memorial Plaque – a few years ago the Coast Guard Cadets started a “Wall of Remembrance” in the cadet barracks (Chase Hall) for Academy graduates who have lost their lives while involved in Coast Guard operations.  Belatedly our class realized that our first classmate to pass after graduation, was Bob Shearer back in 1979, & that it was while piloting a Coast Guard helicopter.  Thankfully a classmate discovered this omission & now Bob has place of honor/remembrance in Chase Hall.

Memorial Service – this is an observance in commemoration for all our classmates who have died since graduation.

Tailgate Lunch – a tradition for any college homecoming football games.  Since New England weather can be a little iffy in October, we always insure we have an indoor area.  Good food & many more sea stories.

March-on – this is when the five year classes in attendance (1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, ..... 2004, 2009, 2014) “form-up” at the end of the football field, march on to the field, & are presented to the fans in the stands before the football commences.

Football Game – good weather & CGA wins.

Dan then returned to the RV to pick-up Corrie & head to the evening dinner dance.  As usual entire evening was spent in conversation not dancing?

Sunday morning we head to Dan’s classmate (Will Henrickson & wife Jackie) house for a “get away brunch” open to all who have not already left town (or aren’t sleeping in).  Then it’s back to the RV to prep for tomorrow’s drive to our old home town, Houma, LA.

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