grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

06-13SEP19 - Sprucewoods, MB

Friday, 06SEP, on the road around Minot, ND (can tell oil money has built up town & surrounding area - roads widened & smooth, new hotels & national stores, etc).  Run into oil being sprayed on road while driving north to borderL  At border we go thru very thorough & lengthy Customs exam by US Customs as we LEAVE the USAL  Turns out they supposedly routinely do this to intercept items being smuggled out & undeclared cash (ie greater than $10K).

After arriving in Sprucewoods, Manitoba, we set up camp at Elaine’s (Corrie’s sister=in=law) & have dinner.  This is our first visit to the Canadian side of the family since the passing of Corrie’s oldest brother, Ed, Elaine’s husband, back in 2015.  Dan washes new Toad before oil hardens; car cover worked but now it needs to be cleaned also?  195 miles driven.

Saturday not much done - Corrie runs errands.  That afternoon Elaine babysits her grandkids – Hailey (12), Rowan (7) & Tripp (5).  After dinner everyone (including our Jacks – Bella & Rocket) go for a walk thru the neighborhood.

Sunday are still enjoying good weather.  Robbie, Corrie youngest brother, comes by for visit.  That evening was dinner at Original Joe’s with Corrie’s high school friends Ester (plus Rob) & Marlene.

Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday not much done; Corrie visits with more relatives & friends; Elaine & Corrie played cribbage in the Community Center’s weekly tournament; shopping; while Dan tried to get a suspect part on the RV replaced.

Thursday, 12SEP, Dan takes RV in for part replacement.  Elaine cooks a delicious dinner for Robbie & wife Yvonne & us.  Excellent evening reminiscing with family.

Friday good weather returns, not much done.  That evening we go to the Brandon food truck warz (note spelling).  There we met up w/Rob & Yvonne, & sampled Salvadorian, East Africa, Jamaican, kobayashi dogs, Mexican cola, etc.  One item that every truck seems to have was poutine.  Poutine is/was a common menu item in Quebec & consists of french fries, cheese curds & dark brown gravy.  It is now common throughout Canada.  Every truck tried to put their own unique spin on their poutine - jerk poutine, poutine w/tatter tots, poutine on onion bloom, poutine w/various BBQ meats, cowboy poutine, serengeti poutine & regular.

According to Wiki – Poutine is a dish that includes french fries and cheese curds topped with a brown gravy. It originated in the Canadian province of Quebec and emerged in the late 1950s in the Centre-du-Québec area. It has long been associated with Quebec cuisine.”

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