grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, August 31, 2018

01-31AUG18 - Sultan, WA (many trips on wa state ferries)

Wednesday, 01AUG, after rush hour we drove to the ferry terminal in Edmonds to pick up grandkids for babysitting; other than mowing not much done.  Friday after lunch we took grandkids back to the Edmonds ferry for Raymond’s pick-up in Kingston.  Afterwards we had dinner at Demetris Woodstone Taverna, which we discovered last week.

Tuesday (Dan’s b-day) more high heat weather.  For his birthday dinner Dan picked a new restaurant, Barkada in Edmonds.  This is a very small place that blends Philippine, Polynesian, & Asian foods.  It is so small & new, that they only have a two burner stove; so most items are cold (eg poke), pre-made (eg miso soup) or raw.  We started w/ono giant shrimp chips; Dan – oyster shooter, miso soup, Hamachi poke boat; Corrie – chicken breast kelaguen, California roll; & to finish we shared the island fruit & nut plate.  Highly recommended.

Wednesday, 08AUG, head to the ferry in Edmonds to pick up grandson Mason.  Thursday first thing, we took the RV into Freightliner for routine service.  After that Dan saw an orthopedic doctor concerning “twinges” he felt in his right knee while skiing last season.  Back in 2007 Dan was diagnosed with a small tear in his medial meniscus, & patella tendonitis.  Decision was then made that nothing need be done, & recreational skiing was not an issue.  Latest MRI shows the same minor issues, but now there is a small indication of arthritis.  Again, nothing “needs” to be done; but if it becomes an issue while skiing this year, several options can be considered.  Hopefully, nothing further needed, since Dan already has season pass for this season!
Grandson Jaxson spent Thursday at work w/Raymond as part of father/child work day (that is why we didn’t pick him up w/Mason yesterday).  When Dan picked Jaxson later that day at the Kingston ferry terminal, Jaxson had a bag full of items mainly centered on Lockheed aeronautics (Raymond’s employer).  One of the items was a kit that required assembly into a prototype space station that maybe used in the future.  Naturally, Jaxson wanted to assemble it on the ferry ride.

Friday, 10AUG, we took the grandkids to the CG Day picnic like last year (see below BLOG link).  Once again a very well organized affair, & the grandkids really enjoyed themselves.  While there Dan gets call from Freightliner NW about generator “short circuit” that has caused an unknown amount of damage in the RVLLL

Although we are very concerned about the RV, Dan had already planned on meeting w/two of his CG Academy classmates in Astoria, OR, for some fishing tomorrow.  So from the picnic Dan started the 3.5 hour drive to Astoria, OR, while Corrie took the grandkids back to our house.  Thanks to weekend traffic & I-5 construction, the drive took six hours.  Dan eventually meets up w/his friends (Dick Lang & Jim Garrett) at Dick’s warehouse/boat storage in Hammond, OR.  One reason that Dan decided to meet them even though the RV issue is important; is that Jim Garrett has just completed riding his bicycle from Kansas to Astoria (about 2000 miles & two months)!!!  And on Sunday he gets back on his bike to ride home to San Francisco, CA.

Saturday we had a great fishing even, w/no luck.  Luckily Dick had set two crab pots the day before & we harvested a dozen Dungeness.  That evening was an excellent crab & salmon dinner w/Dick’s wife & friends at their house in the Lewis & Clark forest area.  Sunday Dan was up early (5AM), on the road, & back in Sultan at 0915.  Rebecca showed up early that afternoon to pick up grandkids (after enjoying some fresh crab).

Wednesday, 15AUG, another hazy day from the many forest fires in Oregon & BC.  Dan took Corrie to ferry to visit kids/grandkids in Bremerton; then drives to the Seattle CG base for lunch w/John Dwyer.  John is a friend of Dan’s who works at the Coast Guard’s marine safety office in Seattle.  In fact John has been there for over two decades.  It was great to reconnect & tell sea stories.  Thursday Dan picked up Corrie & grandkids at Edmonds ferry terminal.
Friday, 24AUG return of more smoke/haze.  After taking the grandkids to Kingston for pickup, we have an early dinner at Rorys of Edmonds.  Dinner was okay, but not any different than any average pub/sports bar.

Sunday, 26AUG, was our friend’s the Formisano’s annual Riverwalk.  This the third year we have attended (see below BLOG link about last year).  Although it was pretty cool, the rain held off, & we enjoyed another good time at the event.

Thursday, 30AUG, more good weather; we pick up grandkids at ferry. When asked what they wanted for dinner? They immediately requested "breakfast for dinner" (something we had introduced them to some time back:). On his last visit here in July, our son Joe left his kayak here.  Rather than leave it laying in the yard, Dan installed a kayak hoist.  Note – recommendation on instructions.

Friday (last day of August) we took the grandkids to the Evergreen State Fair; like Rebecca & Dan did last year.  This year Dan introduced the grandkids to the Fair’s famous Purple Cow drink.  The Purple Cow booth is run by a non-profit association of women who are dairy farmers (or connected to the dairy industry in Snohomish County).  Their drink is basically 7-up, blackberry ice cream, & blackberries.  Mason liked it but one was enough; Jaxson loved it & wanted another.

After six hours of non-stop walking, eating & rides, we headed to Edmonds ferry to return them to Rebecca & Raymond.  On the drive there the window on the driver side rear door blew out, covering Jaxson in glass shardsL!!!  Thankfully no injuries.  After an emergency stop to get a plastic garbage bag & gorilla tape; we made a temporary repair; & finally made it to the Edmonds ferry terminal to transfer kids & head home at 9PM.

Lastly, during the month of August the Seattle area was plagued with numerous poor air quality days due to forest fires in Oregon, eastern Washington, & BC, Canada.  In a “normal” year they maybe four or five danger warnings due to air quality, this month there were more than a dozen.  Not only a risk to our health, but they also negatively affected our solar output.  But it did not seem to effect Corrie’s vegetable/flower garden.  You may remember from previous BLOGs that her 2017 xmas gift was for Dan to build her more raised beds, which he did.  Then this spring we added a drip irrigation system.  As you can see all the improvement resulted in some bumper cropsJ!