grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Thursday, April 30, 2015

01-30APR15 - Sultan, WA

Since our plans are to be RV’ing in June & July (more details in next BLOG), we needed to accomplish a “normal” summers activities around the property in the next two months; not spread out over summer/fall as is our normal routine.  So April ended up being a constant string of chores centered around the house & property:

>almost constant mowing, gardening & landscaping by Corrie
>Dan installs a USB charging outlet in kitchen island

>Corrie starts installing river rock we got from Bob & Pattie (see previous BLOG)

>Dan applies protective primer & paint to trailer walls he made last month

>Dan finishes two small sections of garage walls & doors; & sets up a dedicated spot for all our recyclables (since we have no garbage service)

>Easter Sunday, 05APR, at supper time we see big coyote calmly walking thru yard

>Dan making dramatic style change in his footwear, from the “tennie” he has worn for decades

>Dan makes a couple of Harbor Freight run & gets a few “toys” for his shop & work bench

>Dan finalizes & pays taxes
>having sixty feet of cyclone fencing with a fourteen foot gate installed across our drive way to increase security & keep the neighbors cows out

>battling invasive blackberries & holly bushes/trees
>Toad maintenance in preparation for upcoming trip
>routine dental & medical appointments
>etc, etc, etc

During all this Corrie found time to routinely attend exercise classes at The Y, and Dan volunteered once a week with Habitat for Humanity.  Also on 17APR, Dan’s brother Shawn & wife Cindie come by for an afternoon of reminiscing & BBQ dinner, which allowed us to present them with a wedding gift.

And there were two “special events” during the month:

Thursday, 02APR, Dan headed into Seattle to the Museum Of History And Industry (aka MOHAI) because admission is free on the first Thursday of each month.  (see below BLOG for more on MOHAI; & Dan’s last visit & history w/MOHAI)  This is a new facility & location for MOHAI.  Although it is a much better facility, it is not a big improvement over its previous location.  The building is much bigger, but the number of exhibits is only slightly larger & pretty much what they had before; & parking is expensive, not free.  Although entry was free on the first Thursday, you still must pay for any special exhibit – which this time was “American Spirits: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition”.

Sunday, 26APR, we headed into Seattle Center for the Pompeii exhibit at the Pacific Science Center.  It was a good exhibit, but in our opinion not as good as the King Tut exhibit we viewed in 2012 (see below BLOG link).  But since we probably will never make it to Italy & this was the last time the artifacts would be in the USA, it was still worthwhile.  After that we had a short walkabout of the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festal that was going on at same time in the Seattle Center.  Last stop of the day was the Capitol Hill Market on Broadway.