grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

01-03AUG14 - Sultan, WA (a family loss & gathering)

Early Friday morning, 01AUG, brother Shawn Ryan & fiancé Cindie came by; & then we all rode together in Cindie’s truck to Tahoma National Cemetery for youngest brother Gary James Ryan’s interment.  Burial at any of the National Cemeteries is a benefit available to anyone who served honorably in the nation’s military (Gary served in the US Air Force).  If you have followed our BLOG, you may remember that Dan Ryan Sr was interred at Tahoma National Cemetery in August of 2009.  We did not know it, but on the first Friday of each month the ceremonies at Tahoma are conducted by Native American Veterans of the Inter Tribal Warriors Society; in this case members of the local Muckleshoot Tribe.  We all agreed that their presence & moving words brought peace & comfort to all of us.
A few hours after the interment we all came back together again at Sharon’s daughter Marisa & husband Dave’s house for a crab boil & BBQ.  Sharon’s other daughter Aimee & husband Ben, plus kids, were also there for a relaxing & enjoyable time.  Early that evening we returned home, hardly comprehending so much had occurred in less than 24hrs since Dan’s sister Sharon had landed last night at SeaTac airport!

Saturday was the big prep day for Gary’s Family Remembrance.  Corrie concentrated on food preparation& Dan focused on getting our two decks ready; along with outdoor furniture & a large “tent” for shade since Seattle is still experiencing record heat.  Everything was accomplished even though we kept dodging rain & lightning caused by the record heat.
Sunday, 03AUG, was the Remembrance for Gary with a very large gathering of relatives.  It was a sad event; but still a great family gathering.  Once again Dan couldn’t read his final words for the departed & had to be rescued by sister Sharon.  As usual there was way too much food.  And what almost took two days of preparation, only took four hours of clean-up.  As we had inscribed on Gary’s monument – ALWAYS LOVED, GONE TOO SOON!


Anonymous said...

I am so remiss is sending thank yous for hosting the gathering for Gary. So wonderful to see all the family and eat such super food. I have pics on my camera for you and will get them printed and in the mail soon.
Thanks for all the postings on your blog.

Corrie and Dan Ryan said...

thanks for the kind words; but most of all thanks for coming to the Remembrance! the family gatherings we used to have back in the day are some of our fondest memories. Gary's passing was sad; but the sadness was balanced by the seeing all the relatives that made it:)