Otherwise the month of FEB13 consisted of:
---01FEB Joe & Tasha have BBQ for the first Houma Mardi Gras parade. After BBQ Rebecca takes grandson Jackson J Pitre for first night Mardi Gras parade. Dan tries sleeping without back brace on.

---03FEB Super Bowl Sunday at Rebecca & Raymond’s Pitre.
---04FEB Dan has medical appointment at GP doctor, all is ok.
---05FEB first physical therapy in the pool; second visit to independent Orthopedic Surgeon, everything is ok.

---13FEB babysit grandson Jaxson for the day, then celebrate Rebecca’s birthday with a crawfish dinner at local seafood shack.
---21FEB Dan is allowed to swim during physical therapy.
In summary, the best parts of the month were all the family dinners together with all the Pitres (Rebecca, Raymond & Jaxson), son Joe & Tasha. Dan has one more round (hopefully) of medical appointments early in MAR & if nothing found, we will be back on the road as soon as possible! One thing Dan has discovered is that the accident is a very efficient weight loss “diet”; he was pushing 195 before accident, now he is at 175. Sounds like a best selling weight loss book:)!
Glad all is going well:) Next thing you know-Dan will be a regular at the gym all the time:)
will continue regular workouts until full function regained in left shoulder/arm! - corrie & dan
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