grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Thursday, February 28, 2013

01-28FEB13 - Houma, LA (dan's recovery continues)

If you have followed our BLOG for last two months, you know that we have been focused almost entirely on Dan’s recovery from his very serious accident on 20DEC12. The short story for FEB is that almost everything associated with his recovery has been going very well, & we actually hope to be back on the road by early MAR13.

Otherwise the month of FEB13 consisted of:

---01FEB Joe & Tasha have BBQ for the first Houma Mardi Gras parade. After BBQ Rebecca takes grandson Jackson J Pitre for first night Mardi Gras parade. Dan tries sleeping without back brace on.
---03FEB Super Bowl Sunday at Rebecca & Raymond’s Pitre.

---04FEB Dan has medical appointment at GP doctor, all is ok.

---05FEB first physical therapy in the pool; second visit to independent Orthopedic Surgeon, everything is ok.

---09FEB to give son, Joe, a break, move our RV to Rebecca & Raymond’s.

---13FEB babysit grandson Jaxson for the day, then celebrate Rebecca’s birthday with a crawfish dinner at local seafood shack.

---21FEB Dan is allowed to swim during physical therapy.

In summary, the best parts of the month were all the family dinners together with all the Pitres (Rebecca, Raymond & Jaxson), son Joe & Tasha. Dan has one more round (hopefully) of medical appointments early in MAR & if nothing found, we will be back on the road as soon as possible! One thing Dan has discovered is that the accident is a very efficient weight loss “diet”; he was pushing 195 before accident, now he is at 175. Sounds like a best selling weight loss book:)!