grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Monday, December 31, 2012

14-31DEC12 - Houma, LA (how not to end the year)

Upon our return to Rebecca & Raymond’s in Houma, LA, we learned someone had stolen our satellite dish tripod from their front yard! Thankfully we hadn’t left the actual dish on it & a replacement was $75. On 15DEC we babysat grandson Jaxson thru the night so Rebecca & Raymond could celebrate their wedding anniversary.

On Wednesday, 19DEC, we celebrated our 31st anniversary by heading into New Orleans. First stop was Harrah’s Casino where Corrie did very well! Then it was off to Cochon for an excellent dinner. We discovered Cochon almost 2 years ago & highly recommend it! The power kept going on & off for some reason; but since they use wood fired ovens, not a problem.

The next day, 20DEC, Dan decided to make this a Xmas to remember by taking a “header” off Rebecca & Raymond’s roof to the concrete below! Thankfully Corrie was home to immediately call 911. First emergency stop was the ER at Terrebonne General. Terrebonne then decided to transfer Dan to the “neuro ward” at Ochsner in New Orleans because there were indications of internal cranial bleeding.


We won’t bore you with all the details of his stay at Ochsner’s, but in summary injuries included – a concussion & 6 staples to head wound; broken left clavicle; partially collapsed left lung; broken left lower back ribs; & one compressed vertebrae. The only medical intervention (other then meds) was on 28DEC, when they pumped Dan’s vertebrae up with air & filled it with cement to stabilize it (aka Kyphoplasty).


Not the jolliest of Xmas’s we have had; but considering the possible life changing injuries that could have occurred, pretty good to have your family with you even in a hospital! Finally after 10 days, Dan was released from Oschner on New Year’s eve! Hopefully future Xmas & New Year’s will be less eventful & more festive.

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