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granddaughter coraline

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grandson mason
grandson mason

Thursday, September 27, 2012

23-25SEP12 - Bryce Canyon National Park, UT (2nd stop on grand circle tour)

23SEP, Sunday, we drove to Panguitch, UT; set up camp & head to Bryce Canyon National Park Visitor Center to watch their video & get info (note - Bryce is not a canyon in spite of the name); we also signed up for tomorrow’s 9AM free bus tour. We then visited the Bryce Canyon Lodge & cabins designed by Gilbert Stanley Underwood as part of the Union Pacific RR Grand Circle. Note – the “original” Grand Circle is different than what we discussed in our last BLOG. The original one was sponsored by Union Pacific RR & included the north rim of Grand Canyon NP, Kanab NF, Pipe Spring NM, Zion NP, Cedar Breaks NM, & Bryce Canyon NP. Underwood designed four lodges for the Union Pacific – Grand Canyon, Zion, Cedar Breaks & Bryce. One has been destroyed, the ones at Grand Canyon & Zion have been significantly changed (ie modernized), & only Bryce’s is still original.

Then it was quick view of rim, before heading back to the RV with a few short stops, the first was at Ruby’s Inn (aka Reuben Syrett) just outside the Park. Ruby’s was originally in the Park on a verbal agreement & was called Tourist’s Rest, until “kicked out” by the Union Pacific RR & the building of their Lodge. So they are now just outside the Park gate, & they have the only traffic light in Garfield County.

Ruby’s was followed by a visit to the Forest Service’s Red Canyon Visitor Center of the Dixie National Forest for more free info about the surrounding area. That evening it was back to National Park for the 4:30PM Ranger led Rim Walk & talk. As part of the Ranger’s presentation he insisted that everyone get real close to a ponderosa pine & smell the bark; you should try it the next time in the forest.

Early Monday morning it was back into the park for early twice daily bus tour. These free bus tours are different from the one we took in Zion, in that the there is no Ranger onboard & the bus driver gives the running commentary. Turns out the bus driver was very informative & funny, & a Ranger was not needed. The bus tour starts loading outside park near motels, we were going to board inside the park; but at last minute we decided to board at Ruby’s & lucked out; because their big bus broke & the replacement bus was smaller & several people could not board.

First the bus tour drives to the end of the dead end scenic park road for your first stop. Then the bus retraces the route stopping at about half the scenic overlooks, while the bus driver gives a running commentary. At the overlooks the driver points out many things not obvious to everyday park visitors. At the end of over three hours the driver took us to an observation point that many people don’t even realize is part of park – Fairyland Point (in fact you can go to this point without entering park & paying $25).

After the bus tour we headed back to the historic Bryce Canyon Lodge for lunch. While at the lodge we signed up for a two hour horseback tour tomorrow (not free). Then we drove all the way back up the dead end scenic park road so Dan could see a Bristlecone Pine, which required a short hike. These Bristlecones are only 1600 years old & are not very dramatic as the ones we have seen in pictures. So seeing a “real” Bristlecone is still on our to do list. Then it was back to the RV to rest a little before heading into the town of Panguitch for a walkabout.
Trivia – who were Robert LeRoy Parker & Harry Alonzo Longabaugh (think Newman & Redford)? What is the difference between a bridge & an arch rock formation?

Even though we had had rain all night & were concerned that the steep, narrow trail might be slippery; we still got up early to head back to park for our horseback tour of Bryce Canyon. Even though we were definitely sore at the end of the two hours, it was a fantastic time & definitely worth the money! Then it was off to the Park’s General Store for some snacks. For our last hours in the park we visited the view points of Paria View, Bryce Point (the very best in the entire park), & Inspiration Point.

Trivia – what is known as the cowboy Cadillac? Why are mules more sure footed than horses (hint – has do with eye sight)?

After returning to RV for some recuperation, Dan & Gumbo took off for some four wheeling on forest service roads. First stop was the Casto Canyon Trail in the Red Canyon to do a little hiking. After a few minutes into the trail Dan realized it was a designated ATV trail, & decided to try another trail before getting run over. Eventually they safely rejoined Corrie back at the RV.

We thought Zion National Park was extremely dramatic & scenic, but Bryce Canyon National Park is now number one in our opinion!

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